Believe in Yourself – Nabila Al Macki

‘Believe in yourself and the sky is the limit,’ states Nabila Al Macki, Associate Dean for Quality Assurance and Registry at Majan University College, as she narrates her story of self will, determination and belief in herself and the people associated with her

I always believed that nothing could limit one’s success other than one’s self. I never thought that I will not be able to do anything if I work hard to achieve it. After graduating from Sultan Qaboos University, I worked in a bank and that was my start. It was tough and challenging, yet interesting, especially as I did not hold commerce or banking degree at the time. The challenge was to prove to myself first and my line manager that I am capable and on par with my colleagues who hold degrees from international universities in the fields of commerce and accounting. I still remember those days when I had on-the-job training for six months in different departments in the bank. I was supposed to choose or be selected by the head of the department to work with. By Almighty grace, every department that I had training at, the head asked me to stay and work for them. I still remember the General Manager calling me to his office and mentioning the same. Of course, I was thrilled to hear that, but I wanted to continue my 6 months training before I chose the department I wanted to work in.

Fulfilling Dreams

Since my schooling days I had a passion to make a difference in my community and I wanted to leave my footprints. I was more interested in people recognising what I was doing and how it could affect or change lives than being known.

The point I want to make here is that no one can stop you from fulfilling your dreams, especially if you are given the support, opportunity, trust and confidence.

Believe in Yourself

I have had two careers in my life. I started as a banker and then moved to higher education sector. H.E. Yahya Al Jabri was and still is my guide and mentor. He was the general manger of the bank that I worked for in my early career and he really made a difference in my professional life. He taught me how to be to a good listener, how to learn from everyone, no matter what position that they hold, and to be patient in gaining and seeking knowledge.

After leaving the bank, I joined Majan University College as a lecturer in Accounting and Finance. I was promoted to a programme manager and later to the Head of Faculty of the Business Management. The faculty is the largest in the College in terms of programmes and student numbers. The experience and skills gained during my career in the bank was of great help to me in teaching and managing the faculty. I still remember when I joined the College although my English language was good but joining a higher education institution was a totally different experience. In spite of holding a Masters Degree I had to learn the intricacies of higher education. I enjoyed and still enjoy working with students and I feel providing them with the support that they need, will help them accomplish their dreams.

Do What You Believe

In my opinion, there is no difference between men and women when it comes to work, but sometimes I feel women are more committed, dedicated and supportive. Successful leaders, whether women or men, are those who lead by example. Successful leaders also believe in the people they work with, capitalise on their strengths and work on their weaknesses.

One can comfortably say that Oman among other countries can claim to have empowered women. Today there are Omani women in most spheres and walks of life, from the sciences to the arts. Each individual, irrespective of gender, is accorded equal opportunities to grow, develop and contribute to society. The doors are always open for the best and not based on gender. If parents treat their kids equally and provide them with the same support and care, they will be confident and excel in whatever career path they choose in life. Modernity reflects change in ideology, practices and variance in career growth and professional development. My understanding of the term women empowerment is the ability for women to make their own decisions regarding their lives, careers and overall well being – the ability to view themselves as capable of reaching and achieving true potential in any sphere or walk of life.

I was the first Omani woman in the private higher education sector to hold the position of a faculty head and later Associate Dean for Quality Assurance and Registry. To be successful is to believe in yourself first and to give service without expecting acknowledgements from the people around you. Do what you believe in from your heart, be persistent, be passionate, committed, thorough, honest and you will succeed.

For me personally, I owe my success to my parents, who supported me since I was a child until date. My father believed in me and trusted my capabilities to work in a field that is dominated by males (banking and higher education). My mother pushed me to study hard since my young age until graduation. I still remember her asking me (sometimes yelling) ‘Have you finished writing your homework’ and waiting beside me to ensure that I did. I not only succeeded but I took on leading roles during my professional life. It is true that ‘if there is a will, there is a way’, so again I would say ‘believe in yourself and the sky is the limit’.

My view is that the glass ceiling for women in Oman is already shattered.

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