Weight loss can be a costly affair, going by these diet plans and programmes that are designed specifically to cater to the ones who are loaded with money. We bring to you some of the most popular and expensive weight loss programmes to date.
The Sirtfood Diet

The Sirtfood Diet, which has celebrities endorsing it, is a diet plan that relies on consuming foods high in sirtuin (a type of protein that can help regulate metabolism) activators. These include kale, olives, green tea, fish oil, onions, cocoa, blackcurrants, turmeric, citrus fruits, miso soup, capers, parsley, tofu and other soy products, extra virgin olive oil and apples. The diet was devised by nutritionists who based it on a programme developed at KX Gym in London’s Sloane Square – when done at the club, the programme can cost up to $1,940 for a week!
The Mushroom Diet

Check this diet if you have a penchant for mushrooms. Popularly referred to as the M-Plan, this Mushroom Diet is all about replacing one meal a day with mushrooms. And for those who have the other m, the moolah to match, matsutake mushrooms are suggested. Generally, mushrooms are classified as great sources of vitamins B and D, iron, zinc and folic acid; the matsutake variety also contains vitamins A, B6, C and thiamine, niacin and riboflavin, as well as minerals. These mushrooms are hand-picked near Japanese pine trees and the price can go up to $1000 a kilogramme, owing to their scarcity.
Caviar Diet

It is decadent and priced dearly, but what makes caviar a feature in a weight loss topic is the popularity it gained as the favourite dish of the late Jacqueline Kennedy, who believed it helped her manage her weight effectively. Caviar is rich in the essential fatty acid omega-3, which aids metabolic health. What is more, a 25-gram serving contains only 67 calories! But if the caviar of choice is the one that comes from the albino beluga sturgeon, get ready to shell out more than $26,000 for a kilogramme.
Jenny Craig

Jenny Craig Diet Program is one of the most popular diets around the world. The programme delivers pre-packaged low-calorie meals, in addition to one-on-one consultant support. The consultant provides a diet and exercise plan after identifying your strengths and also helps in overcoming challenges along the way. Check Jenny Craig online to see how you could avail the diet programme, which costs, on average, $137 a week.
Food Matters NYC

If weight loss is on your mind and travel to New York is on the agenda, this Food Matters diet might be the one for you. It is a highly personalised service that considers your health history and health goals, as well as lifestyle and food preferences while tailoring a menu that fits your weight loss goals. As a part of the programme, three meals, two snacks and one dessert are delivered, daily, at a cost of $1,050 a week, to clients in the New York City area.
Sakara Life

Sakara Life diet is designed for those who follow a vegan lifestyle. Although its availability is restricted to the United States, the ones who have the money and the inclination can opt to follow this organic, gluten-free vegan plan. It is an all-natural meal delivery service – there are no additives, preservatives or sugars, with dates, bananas, coconut crystals and agave acting as sweeteners. This diet, priced at $574 a week, is based on changing the lifestyle than on achieving any fitness goals.

With the option of buying a pre-packed meal programme, the NutriSystem plan is just a click away. You could buy the programme from their website and have it delivered to you. The four-week plan allows you to eat six times a day, enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables, learn the NutriSystem Flex approach and lose an average of one to two pounds a week. There are a host of NutriSystem packages on offer, with the diet plan priced at $113 per week.