Empowered women know how to get their way around. They know when to say NO and when to accept a challenge. Here is a little guide with tips and suggestions from experts who believe empowerment is the only way forward.
Stand up for yourself at all times: Your opinions and ideas matter so do not hesitate to put it across, whether it finds consensus or not. You might get called names and might have to endure back-biting, but that should in no way bring you down. Instead, use it as a learning experience.
Learn to say no: This is of significant importance, as people tend to take ‘yes’ people for granted. Going out of your way to help is fine, but if people expect it from you at all times, it deprives you from doing things that are of importance to you.
Know yourself: Even reaching the first rung of the success ladder requires you to know yourself – your weaknesses and your strengths. Once you know where you stand, it becomes that much easier to sharpen your strengths and suppress or work on your weaknesses.
Accept yourself: Whatever beauty quotient the world might throw at you, accept yourself, with all the flaws and wrinkles, and understand you are beautiful just the way you are. Success is not dictated by looks, but self-acceptance will certainly show you the way.

Respect yourself: Just as you learn to accept yourself, so also begin to respect yourself. Empowerment comes from a deep sense of respect for self. It will also help you nurture positive thoughts.
Take responsibility: Understand that you are responsible for your life. Do not hesitate to take on new challenges and responsibilities. After all, you are responsible for your life.
Think positive: All the little things that you do for yourself will help you inculcate positivity in your thoughts and actions. Don’t entertain negative thoughts and stay away from negative people. All your achievements will come to naught under the influence of negative people. Think positive and stay happy and empowered.
Take care: Read that as ‘take care of yourself.’ As a wife, mother, daughter, sister you have been wearing different garbs to care for the people around you – now start showing some care for yourself. A little care will go a long way in empowering you for a lifetime.
Nurture learning: Make learning a continuous affair to develop your skills and attitudes for the changing times and needs. A passion to soak information and absorb new skills can act as a fount of empowerment.
Be independent: Learn to make your decisions and be independent financially so as to experience the true joys of freedom. Understand your share of household financial responsibilities and become an expert at handling and managing your personal financial affairs.