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First Comes Love, Then Comes Money
Authors: Bethany and Scott Palmer
The book is based on the premise that happy couples know how to talk about money. According to the authors, the number one cause for divorce is financial infidelity. Described as ‘The Money Couple’, they reveal that the missing ingredient needed before any financial programme or plan can work is healthy financial communication, and then go ahead to tell the reader how to do it…

Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man
Author: Steve Harvey
American comedian, television host, producer and radio personality, Harvey instructs women on how to be a ‘keeper’, instead of a ‘sports fish’. He presents his concept of what men really think about love, relationships, intimacy and commitment while encouraging women to understand that they can never be first in a man’s life without understanding and accepting that men are driven by who and what they are and how much they make.

The Art of Loving
Author: Erich Fromm
In this classic work, renowned psychoanalyst and social philosopher Erich Fromm explores love in all its aspects; not only romantic love, steeped in false conceptions and lofty expectations, but also brotherly love, erotic love, self-love, the love of God, and the love of parents for their children. He presents love as a skill that can be taught and developed. He rejects the idea of loving as something magical and mysterious that cannot be analysed and explained.