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Hydrate Your Skin During Summer

Before the ‘it’s hot’ chant turns into a screech, give your skin some tender loving care to face the wrath of the summer sun and all you need to do is hydrate.

Summers are hot and in Oman, they are super hot. Harmful UV rays are at their peak during summer, damaging skin and in turn, speeding premature ageing of the skin. Experts often warn people to hydrate and take precautions during the summer months because the damages are often long-lasting. A few simple changes in your everyday skincare regimen can set you on the path to healthy glowing skin throughout summer.

First, eat healthy and keep your body cool with seasonal fruits, water-filled vegetables, yoghurt, and similar foods. Overall hygiene can go a long way in tackling summer woes. Bathing twice a day and wearing loose cotton clothes will keep you feeling fresh. It will also keep bad odour at bay.

Of course, you do not need to be reminded to drink your mandatory 2 litres of water to hydrate during the summer days, but we think you might need a little cue to splash some of that water on your face too.

To be precise: splash and wash. Yes, wiping the sweat off does seem easy with a handy wipe – it might be the best recourse to ensure that the makeup is not disturbed, but your skin needs to soak in the water and feel its rejuvenating powers.

The question, however, is how many times should you wash your face to hydrate your skin?

Should you wash every time you return home from the outdoors?

No. You do not need to wash your face the minute sweat beads form on your forehead; that might simply make the skin look dry and even dehydrated. With the air conditioning in your office or home already adding to the dryness, you do not need to turn the life-giving water into a spoiler for your skin. Try and take breaks from air conditioning to make your skin feel alive and follow the requisite skincare regime.

  • Do not wash your face more than twice a day
  • Remove all the makeup before you wash your face
  • Use a face wash that is suitable for your skin
  • Dab some cold water to close the pores
  • Pat dry your face with a soft towel
  • Follow that with a moisturiser to hydrate your skin and make your skin feel loved
  • A quality sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30 must be applied 15 to 20 minutes before exposure

Read how to do your make up in hurry

Sophia Raman

A self professed lifestyle guru, Sophia Raman has honed her expertise for beauty and fashion with a natural flair for all things chic and a distinctive style quotient. She is a sophisticated socialite who brings her love for fashion, style and travel to this column. You can follow her on:

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