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Makeup In A HURRY

The biggest makeup faux pas, in a hurry, is following the everyday routine of foundation, concealer, eye shadow, mascara, lips…

When makeup is a must, but time is a wanting! Makeup in a hurry? Yes or No?

  • Your morning alarm didn’t go off.
  • You have a big meeting lined up for the morning.
  • You have to leave home in 5 minutes to avoid traffic.
  • And your face is crying for some makeup to get into the groove.
  • If the above rang a bell, rather is an everyday affair, you need some make-up-in-a-hurry tip.
  • What is that, you ask?
  • Don’t try to go the full way!

Yes, the biggest makeup faux pas, in the absence of time, is following the everyday routine of foundation, concealer, lashes, eye shadow, mascara, eyebrows, cheeks, lips….

makeup in hurry

Attempting to rush through your morning makeup session could prove to be a disaster if you bring out the complete kit. You could, of course, be ready for such emergencies by picking up one of those all-in-one makeup palettes when you go shopping next.


The best checklist to follow when applying makeup in a hurry is to understand the premise for your makeup. For example, if you have a rash or acne that you need to cover up, simply pick out your concealer stick, dab it on and leave for work. Again, what you need is a lightweight concealer to avoid creases. Dark circles are also best tackled with a coating from your concealer stick.

Alternately, focus only on your strong features, which you, of course, are aware, and use your makeup skill to accentuate that. The easiest is to apply a lightweight foundation and a touch of your favourite blush; or avoid both and opt for the primer. But if you are an eye person and do not like to step out without giving it a shield of makeup, apply a dark eye shadow on the outer corners and forget the eyeliner.

Sophia Raman

A self professed lifestyle guru, Sophia Raman has honed her expertise for beauty and fashion with a natural flair for all things chic and a distinctive style quotient. She is a sophisticated socialite who brings her love for fashion, style and travel to this column. You can follow her on:

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