There is nothing bitter about winter in this part of the world; yet, the dip in temperatures, during the end of the year and as the new one starts, does add a chill to the evenings. A pleasant ‘warm’ chill, nevertheless…
So, while the outdoors is beckoning and the camping gear is calling out to get dusted and packed into the car, give the interiors of your home that touch of wintry warmth with a few simple additions and changes. Fill the vacuum from the silenced air-conditioner with soft music and candle lights. Make way for winter!
Here are 5 tips to fill warmth into your home:
1. Add that cosy touch

Seasonal home décor plans can be incorporated with minimal effort. All that you need are a rug here, a cushion there, and your room could get an instantaneous lift. Throw pillows in vibrant colours are known to refresh the room, infusing a mood of familiarity among visitors. They create an inviting ambience as if the room itself is waiting for friends and extended family to drop in for a get-together. Add a couple of soft rugs to complement the throw pillows and your room will look as good as new. Softer rugs around the entryway can dramatically relax the milieu. Opt for rugs in different sizes for a harmonious flow. And while you are at it, throw a colour-coordinated blanket over the backs of your sofa or chair.
2. Check curtains and drapes
Changing curtains with the change in the season may not be a feasible option if you have a limited budget for your décor plans, but if you are willing to experiment and are ready to opt for a DIY curtain project, you could get your windows winter-ready in style. Look for texture when picking up your window dressing and pick the ones that extend all the way to the floor. Long curtains spell chic like nothing else. Décor experts, in fact, recommend curtains that are even longer than the wall, if you want to infuse a romantic touch to the room. Curtain fabrics that pool at the bottom of the floor have a warm appeal. Opt for heavy velvet-textured curtains for a touch of drama to the proceedings in the room.
3. Bring in nature

With summer sun waning away, now is as good a time as any to invest in some potted indoor plants and freshen up your living room for the season. Check out the nurseries around town to find easy to care plants that could adorn your home. Succulents are an easy bet if your space is limited; however, don’t restrict your gardening to cactus alone if you can manage to make space for larger pots. Make use of the stairways and even the banister to add a touch of greenery in your home.
4. Light up

Allow aroma candles to inject your room with the winter mood. Mute your overhead lamps and spread the warm glow of candles to add a welcoming note to space. Check out your neighbourhood home décor store for aesthetic candleholders and scented candles. Place them around the entryway and the living room to let the candles work their magic. Even a bunch of candles on the dining table could make a marked difference to the ambience within.
5. Fresh flowers

A vase filled with fresh flowers says so much about the people residing in the home. It shows care and attention, it demonstrates the desire to pause and enjoy life. It is a break away from the monotony of the office-home routine. Even a single stem of fresh rose can add that magical lure to the room. But if fresh flowers aren’t your style, go for a winter wreath to adorn your door and let the magic spread from the door to your room. Opt to make one yourself to add to the warm excitement of the season.