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Fasting and Workout

Fasting, rather intermittent fasting has the potential to help you meet your fitness targets, state experts, who prescribe staggered workout regimes to accompany fasting, so as to reach the desired figure on the scale. Although fasting by itself can induce weight loss without indulging in workouts that can aggravate the dehydration and hunger brought on by fasting, the idea is to keep up the fitness momentum with a consistent exercise routine to maintain a healthy balance between mind and body.

What is important here is the timing that you chose for workouts. While studies have shown that people who jogged before breakfast burned up to 20 per cent more fat than the ones who jogged after, the fact is that you might lose more muscles in the process, as the body tends to break down proteins in the absence of glycogen or stored carbohydrates to fuel the exercise. The dilemma then is that not only would you lose fat when exercising on an intermittent diet; you might also lose muscles, thus defeating the purpose of your fasted workout. Ideally, follow the middle path, the one that will benefit your body and your weight loss goals.

Right, there are several benefits of fasted workouts, but there are some rules that need to be applied to maximise the benefits, which include an increase in aerobic capacity and fat utilisation. What is important here is to stick to a workout plan and boost that weight loss plan with tips and guidelines from experts:

Start With Low-Intensity Workout

Moderation, that’s the key to every aspect of your health; your fasted work out too. Follow a low-intensity cardio workout, at least in the early days of fasting, to help your body acclimatise to the changes taking place. A light jog in the garden/park or a short stint on the treadmill should be fine to start off. However, stop the workout if you feel dizzy from pangs of hunger. Ensure that your workout isn’t a struggle that makes you breathless. The initial stages are difficult, but you will soon learn that your body has adapted to the changes and you will get on the exercise bandwagon easily.

Initiate High-Intensity Workout After Breaking Fast

If you want to maximise your weight loss goal, programme your workouts around your mealtimes. Although working out on a full stomach is not recommended, the suggested idea is to schedule your high-intensity workout closer to the last meal or the Iftar. Eating a snack or a regular meal, three to four hours before the workout session, will provide the right amount of energy to follow through with the schedule of exercise. The carbohydrates from the meal will fuel your exercise. And, if you are driven toward muscle-building, your best bet would be a protein diet, both before and after your workout.

<strong>Fasting Workouts: Dos and Don’ts</strong>
  • Do workout in the morning, before breakfast; it is convenient and effective.
  • Ideal fasting workouts are cycling, elliptical treadmill or jogging in the morning hours.
  • Short cardio sessions are ideal for fasting workouts; but it should not exceed more than 60 to 90 minutes, depending on your level of workouts.
  • Stick to moderate-intensity workouts during the fasted state.
  • Consume your meal or breakfast within half an hour after the workout session and include a mix of lean protein and carbohydrates in it.
  • If you are working out after breaking the fast, do not forget to drink enough water to stay hydrated during the session.
  • Do not include weights if you are working out in the fasted state.
  • Do check with your doctor about undertaking workouts during fasting if you have any medical conditions.


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