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Dining Out, The Millennial Way

Whether dining out is an everyday affair, a weekly rendezvous or an occasional treat, the trends in the market demonstrate how restaurants have shaped their services and facilities to suit the demands of the millennial generation

With the Millennial Generation shaping every facet of the present day life, is it any wonder that the dining out scene is following suit to cater to this lot of demanding consumers? This lot, in the age group of late teens to early 30s, has its own tastes and likes and is not willing to compromise, more so on the food front. With less time on their hands to cook at home, they are either dining out or ordering food, driving changes in the industry, which has well understood the importance of catering to their demands and requests to keep the market upbeat.

Here is a quick peek at some of the millennial dining out trends that are creating newer avenues for diners.

Foods with Stories

Millennial, seemingly, spells adventure, as the generation demonstrates a trend to seek foods that have a story; an adventurous story to tell.

For this lot, dining out is a perfect way to experience the world on a gustatory level; it is about sharing these experiences with friends via social media. And the better the food choices, the more interesting the story. There is a feeling of a communal experience in the act of eating out, which the millennial generation identify and associate themselves with.

Farm to The Table

There is a discernible move among millennials to opt for restaurants that are inclined towards local produce. They are savvy and are wont to enquire where the ingredients and condiments come from, rather how the food served is sourced. Their preference for local produce is, in a way, driven by their desire to stay connected with the communities they live in and to eat healthy.

Healthy Eating

With organic food wearing the ‘healthy’ crown, it is not surprising that the worldly-wise millennial generation is opting for organic foods when dining out. There is a conscious move to order healthier options and seek out foods that bear the organic tag.

Technology to The Aid

The world of smartphones has established an all new platform for millennials to dine out in style or order a home delivery using an app. This explains why restaurants are targeting social media influencers to create a strong network for their services and facilities. There is a definite move to create an ambience that is attractive for the millennials to engage in the simple act of dining out. With studies showing that majority of the social media posts and engagements are about where to eat and what to order, millennials have, indeed, found a way to connect with each other on a food front.

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