Weight: Loss and Gain

In the challenging world of weight loss, the road often meets with dead ends or leads to detours and u-turns back to weight gain

Some lose for a reason, others lose for a season. Weight loss is one thorny issue that refuses to follow a one-rule-applies-all dictate. Often, rather always, gain is easier than the loss, unless you are endowed with lucky genes that keep all the high-calorie foods consumed, away from the body. The crux of the issue, many a times, is not losing visible weight, but keeping it off. Weight is like the pendulum on an old grandfather clocks – piling up the weight back is as easy as the swing of that pendulum. Those who have been there and done are aware of the irony of regaining all the lost weight, at times with vengeance.

Weight: Loss and Gain

There is, of course, no denying that the before and after images of weight loss do have a magical effect, with dramatic changes not just in the body structure and facial features, but also in the attitude, posture and body language. Some of the celebrities who have toed the weight loss line have proven how weight loss has altered the very perception of their fans towards them. For, any weight loss mission that ends in success is seen as an achievement. It is seen as an inspiration by others in the overweight tribe; the ones who have dipped their feet in the weight loss pool but haven’t found the gumption to swim in it.

Weight accumulated over long years cannot be shredded with some magical formula – even surgeries are not foolproof. It is easy to fall prey to temptation and get back on the weight train at the slightest sign of indulgence. But there are ones like Amal Al Khabori, who have had several pitfalls over several years, and yet have found the determination and the strength to walk the weight loss path and come out a winner.

In the next story, read about Amal’s story of success in the weight loss quarters, as she charts her fight against the tide of obesity with a calm demeanour and a go-getter attitude.

Amal Al Khabori’s Body Transformation

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