Climbing Stairs Indicate Lifespan


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Ease of Climbing Stairs Could Indicate Longer Lifespan 

If you can climb a flight of four stairs in a minute, you may have a long and healthy life ahead of you. According to a new study, exercise tests that require brisk movement could predict your risk of early death from cardiovascular and oncologic diseases. The study reiterates the established notion that exercise is helpful in staying healthy. Medical experts note that one’s ability to climb stairs briskly can act as an indicator of relative ease during the heart surgery. This is also true about cancer treatment therapy as exercise can even serve as a preventive. Experts recommend 30 minutes of exercises every day, at a level where one is breathless. Being breathless, interestingly, has its benefits – a healthier and longer life.

Breakups Versus Physical Activity

An interesting new study has found that a relationship breakup can impact how much you walk or exercise. Researchers found that changes in marital status affects levels of physical activity in men and women – but differently. A four-year follow-up research found that men who had recently divorced registered fewer non-exercise steps than some other men. This also applied to women who had remarried during the follow-up period; they also registered a significant reduction in the total number of steps in comparison with women who had a stable relationship. The study also took into account the role of participants’ socioeconomic position and found a significant increase in the aerobic steps of richer men and women.

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