Flossing May Increase Chemical Exposure

Flossing teeth could increase our exposure to toxic chemicals, say researchers, who found flossing to be linked to chemical build-up. While Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) have become part of our daily life as flossing, with regular exposure having an impact on health – studies have shown a link between PFAS and health issues like cholesterol, thyroid disease and kidney and testicular cancer – what is, however, disconcerting is that these chemicals are found in certain dental floss. Researchers studied 18 different flosses for the presence of fluorine, which also indicates the presence of PFAS.
Abdominal Obesity Linked To Brain Shrinkage?

While it has been established that obesity could lead to health problems, what is new on the topic is the possible association between abdominal obesity and brain size. A study involving close to 10,000 people, with an average age of 55, found a link between being overweight and a decrease in size in regions of the brain that had a role in motivation and reward. In order to determine body fat figures, scientists worked out the body mass index, waist-to-hip ratio, and overall body fat of each participant. And higher the waist-to-hip ratio, the larger a person’s stomach compared with their hips. While a BMI of 30 and above indicates obesity, central or abdominal obesity is implied when a man has a waist-to-hip ratio above 0.90 and a woman above 0.85.