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Power of Love

Feel the power of love come alive, as our panelists share their notes on love to describe its all-powerful presence in their lives

Love, the most profound of all human emotions, is celebrated in the following article by two inspirational people who reflect on the power of love in carving success stories

Shaikha Al Jassasi: Love Is A Blessing

It is the power of love that helped Shaikha Al Jassasi overcome her visual impairment and become an icon of inspiration   

If we think about love, it fills our lives completely. Life cannot be enjoyed nor can it have a meaning without love.

I was born as a visually impaired person and I felt that I was different. At first it hurt me a lot to feel and notice that people around me were treating me differently. However, my parents care and love without fear or protection overwhelmed me and helped me to forget my disability and grow more confident.

Later on, I discovered that because some people love me they are concerned about my disability. Because people loved me, they started to offer me help even when I said no. When you relate everything in your life to love, your everyday challenges become blessings to you.

Love means simple acts – like giving hope, advice or simply helping others. It is love when somebody gives me an opportunity and fills me with confidence and tells me you are good at it, just do it.

Love is when a friend takes me to the cinema and describes to me the movie to enjoy it like the way she does. Love simply means giving and taking willingly without pressure.

* Sheikha Mahmood al Jassasi is visually impaired since birth, but this hasn’t deterred her from succeeding in her quests. Last year, she became the first visually impaired woman in Oman to acquire a Master’s degree in Business Administration from UK’s University of Bedfordshire.

Hassan Al Meer: Love Is A Motivator  

Hassan Meer, established artist and curator, relies on the power of love to motivate and feed his soul

Love for me is the feeling that buzzes my heart and my brain.

It has changed over my life path. The feeling that I used to have when I was in my early age was different from my middle age.

Our experiences in life control our feelings; it flows like the wind and touches your soul and makes you shake and give your best in life.

I always believe love motivates you and keeps you positive and feeds your soul.

Music and art reflects our feelings. When you are in love it reflects in your art and the paintings and you will find the change in colours and shapes. My feelings in love are hidden in reality, but it’s visible in my art in different forums.  

* Hassan Meer, Artist and Curator of Stal Gallery and Studio, attended art school in Georgia, USA, where he familiarised himself with new media and installation art. In his work, Meer frequently makes use of video installations and staged photo series. His work has been presented in many local and international exhibitions. 

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