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Fashion can be many things – it is functional, a form of expression, a showcase of aesthetics and a creativity outlet. But most importantly, fashion is aspirational.

A Flair For Fashion

But most importantly, fashion is aspirational., its a flair. The makers act on ambition and vision to create something never seen before; almost otherworldly. And the wearers aspire to dress in premium clothing, exclusive brands and experimental designs that help them flaunt their extraordinary personalities.

Visual narration of the oft-quoted ‘history repeats itself’ adage is, perhaps, most illustrative in the world of fashion. Those who have lived through the drainpipe trousers and the bell-bottom ones would have seen those trends repeat in different avatars in their lifetimes. Like the flashy frills that just made a u-turn on the catwalk, inducing déjà vu in those who have donned them in their teens. The world of fashion, despite appearing complex and intricate, is, in so many ways, predictable. The ones who follow it would know of several trends that have been resurrected on the style aisle by top designers who play dictators to a fashion obsessed world.

But in the larger scheme of things, it is style that has held the threads of freedom to be oneself. For, style is that essential salve to survive the global fashion fixation, which has, in recent times, been fuelled further by influencers on social media. Style is what sets one apart; it does not change with the tides of fashion. As Yves Saint Laurent said, ‘Fashions fade, style is eternal’.

So, taking that cue further, we present this special style and fashion issue, which, although veering towards trends and fads, is representative of that all important style quotient that sets one apart. Without being theatrical about the everyday style mores, it takes you on a tour to present talented local fashion designers and offers tips and guidelines to get you ‘all dressed up’. So, gear up for a fun style issue.

Stay happy!

Power of Youth

You can visit the FACES Magazine, Oman bookshelf to check our back issues.

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