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Bin Ali on Designing the Future

Bin Ali, famed photographer turned fashion designer, talks about his premium sportswear line – the Futuristic Soul Collection

Muoiyad Ali Al Mughairi – known professionally as Bin Ali – found his calling in fashion through his proliferous photography career. In 2013, he launched his photography business, travelling to various cities in the region to photograph collections by high-end fashion labels. Having launched his fashion line Bin Ali Designs in 2017, in April 2019, he premiered his fifth collection titled ‘Futuristic Soul’ which puts a twist on athleisure wear to create voguish sportswear that is unique and glamorous, yet elegant and stylish.

As Bin Ali Designs, a homegrown Omani brand, is widely embraced for the originality it offers, we just had to chat with Bin Ali to grasp some insight into the method behind his magic. Here are excerpts from the interview…

Tell us about your foray into the world of fashion.

I’ve always been into fashion, even as a kid. In 2013, I started doing photography for many fashion brands and I recognized my interest in the artistry of fashion design. This led to launching my fashion brand, Bin Ali Designs in 2017. Fashion helps me express and describe things from my imagination and turn them into reality!

Why did you decide to design athleisure and sportswear?

As a fashion designer and stylist, bringing fitness and fashion together has always been a goal of mine. Someday, I would love to set up a chain of uber-trendy gyms, each incorporating a fashion boutique, stocking my own luxe sportswear designs.

Tell us about the Futuristic Soul Collection.

The Futuristic Soul Collection is a sporty chic collection. I wanted to mix both sports and high fashion, along with street style. So, I worked with some creative new ideas and plastic fabrics. The collection combines a mix of the past and the contemporary present; a commentary on the contradiction of opinions in fashion and our personal lives.

Fabrics play a big role in making your collection stand out. What are your favourite fabrics to work with?

I like to break the ice and do things out of the box, with some risk and creativity. I enjoy mixing materials and two different fabrics, to create a contrast – maybe a soft material, or cotton with leather.

As a fashion designer, what challenges did you need to overcome?

The major challenge is how to create something new and how to explain a story behind the collection. Of course, an important part is attracting people to your brand. However, I believe that I can create with love, what I want, as I want.

What are your hopes for the future?

I hope to see my brand everywhere in the GCC and wish to be one of the best Arabian/Omani designers who represents Oman’s culture on the global stage. I also hope to complete my studies in fashion design.

How to Dress For Your Age


  1. The Futuristic Soul Collection is a sporty chic collection. I wanted to mix both sports and high fashion, along with street style. So, I worked with some creative new ideas and plastic fabrics. The collection combines a mix of the past and the contemporary present; a commentary on the contradiction of opinions in fashion and our personal lives.


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