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Rebeca Nigrinis’ Art Therapy

Rebeca Nigrinis talks about her burgeoning art career, which combines inspirations drawn from her roots and her present life

An artist par excellence, Rebeca Nigrinis brings magic to life with every brushstroke. Her art is lively – full of bold, bright colours and strong lines that speak volumes at first sight. Captivating in every sense, her work exhibits a deep understanding and expertise of colour and texture, combined with an exceptional emotive quality that tells a crystal clear story.

Born in Colombia, Rebeca was raised in an artistic family in the beautiful coastal South American country. Having completed her education, she got married in 2001; soon after, her husband, a petroleum engineer, was offered a job in Saudi Arabia. Thus began her adventure in the Middle East…

Moving to a completely different part of the world, and being new to the culture and traditions, Rebeca was a little homesick and turned to art for solace. “Art came to me as a way to put together all that I saw and felt, being so far from my country. It became the best form of therapy during those long days,” she says.

Art and creativity came easily to her, and soon she was painting murals in her friends’ homes. Over time, her work gained traction in the local communities in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.

Rebeca moved to Oman for the first time in 2007, and over her two-year stay she created art for several commercial buildings and painted murals in private residences. She left the country in tears, with a longing to return soon. As fate would have it, her family moved back in 2012. Equipped with better technique and having evolved into a more mature artistic self, she worked hard to create more pieces in her studio. “My art studio has become my happy place where creativity comes to life,” she maintains.

Rebeca Nigrinis

While all the beauty around her has served to inspire her creativity, Oman is among her greatest sources of inspiration at the moment. She enjoys creating art in series, and Oman has influenced several. The ‘Arabian Villages’ series brings together many different village elements and buildings from the country, and is depicted with bold lines, colours and textures. The ‘Camel Series’ is inspired by the most iconic animal of the region; and the ‘Omani Doors’ series is an ode to Omani doors with her own personal touch.

Rebeca also finds inspiration in women with character, and has created a collection of paintings titled ‘Diva Series’, which portrays women of different nationalities and backgrounds in vivid hues. It includes Arabian, African, Latino and Gypsy divas, and each painting has a meaningful name and story behind it.

Since she started sharing her work in solo and group exhibitions in Muscat, she has received acceptance and encouragement from art lovers, which keeps her going. While her art career has been sky rocketing, the mother of two notes that the main challenge she faces is balancing her time in between her hours in the studio and other activities. “Sometimes I get so immersed in a piece I’m working on, it’s hard to get myself out of the studio!” she remarks.

The future is filled with promise for Rebeca. She dreams of having her own gallery where she can interact with people and show them her work. She is of the opinion that art is the main avenue of expression for all human beings and that a society that supports and promotes art results in happier members. She continues to work towards creating art that is more accessible to all and producing art pieces that surpass cultures and borders.

<strong><strong>Up Close & Personal with Rebeca Nigrinis</strong></strong>

The home I grew up in… Barranquilla & Cali, Colombia.

When I was a child, I wanted to… Be an artist.

The moment that changed me forever… When I became a mother.

My greatest inspiration… Pablo Picasso.

My hero… I know many strong women who are not famous but have become my heroes by being role models and supporting their families.

If I could change one thing about myself… I would not worry so much.

I dream of… Having my art in many homes across the world.

What I see when I look in the mirror… An artist, a mum, a wife, and a dreamer.

It’s not fashionable, but I like… Wearing the same old sandals every day.

My greatest regret… Not showing my work before…but maybe now is just the perfect time.

You may not know it but I’m no good at… Cooking.

You may not know it but I’m very good at… Dancing.

If I have time to myself… I will paint and paint; more and more.

My house is… My art gallery – filled with my paintings.

My favourite haunt/holiday destination… Colombia.

My favourite weekend spot in Oman… The beach.

I will not leave my house without… My phone.

Things I like about Oman… In Oman, you can find mountains, the sea, deserts and greenery all in a single country. And the best sunsets I’ve ever seen!

On top of my wish/bucket list is… To stay in Oman for many more years.

In 10 years’ time, I hope to be… A better artist and a human being.


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