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Will Ifemelu Make It In Americanah?

FACES reviews the story of Ifemelu who comes to America to pursue a good life in Americanah. Read mor about ‘One of Us Is Lying’ and ‘Hunted’.


Author: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Young Ifemelu leaves Nigeria for the promise of the West. But upon arrival in the United States, is forced to come to terms with what it means to be black in a largely white society for the first time and struggles to make ends meet. Her boyfriend Obinze intends to join her, but with security tightened post 9/11, things are looking bleak for the young couple. Life goes on, with Ifemelu authoring a successful blog about the black experience and racial bias. 15 years later, they reunite in their homeland with a second chance at love and life.

One of Us Is Lying

Author: Karen McManus

Bronwyn, Addy, Nate and Cooper are too unalike each other to be sitting at the same lunch table in the cafeteria of Bayview High School. Bronwyn is slated to go to Yale, Addy is Princess Perfect, Nate has a criminal record and Cooper is an all-star baseball pitcher. Simon, the author of gossip app ‘About That’, is what they have in common… When all five of them get detention, Simon never makes it out, succumbing to a peanut allergy. And the four of them were the only people present in the room. Did they kill Simon? Or were they set up?


Author: Darcy Coates

Eileen, a 22-year-old, goes missing while hiking in the Ashlough Forest. A few days later, her camera is found on the river bank containing strange photographs taken after her disappearance. While the police suspend their search, her brother Chris, who still believes Eileen could be alive, sets out on a search with his friends. As they comb through the mountain range, the discoveries are disturbing and lead them to question if Eileen’s disappearance was really an accident…

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