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This November FACES throws the spotlight on the growing trend of attaining all round wellness. It is dedicated to fitness and nutrition, albeit on a fun and feasible platform.

A Smart Approach To Fitness

As the global chant for fitness deafens us with its get-on-the-treadmill dictate, let’s press the pause button on our home-office-home routine to approach this obsessive need to get on a workout and/or a diet regime. Let’s assess our reasons for toeing the fitness line; our endless preoccupation with body image. Is the approach all about following trends set by the media, social media in particular, or does it stem from the growing need for overall wellness that demands lifestyle changes to enjoy better healthspan? While the latter has little to do with the common concept of body image, it does present a right perspective for the global fitness obsession. For, it is wellness that has a stake on both physical and mental health; for wellness is more than an absence of illness. And this very facet of fitness is the focus of this brand new issue.

Oman’s wellness scene is right on track, with new crop of fitness enthusiasts opening up the market with healthy options to stay fit and healthy. Gone are the days when hitting a gym meant an hour-long work-out that was anything but interesting and fun. The approach today is on creating appealing exercise regimes and doable nutrition plans to sustain a health plan – from dance routines to laughter yoga for a mind and body workout, the shift in fitness modules is discernible in the capital.

The cover story presents experts from the field of fitness to highlight new trends in the market and drive home the fact that fitness is an achievable goal if there is will-power and a strong support system. The stress then is on incorporating positive lifestyle changes, which can never be overemphasised. Although fitness requires the crutch of a regular exercise plan, it cannot work if it is not complimented by a corresponding lifestyle change that includes dietary habits, sleep patterns, stress management… This fitness approach spreads over to other sections of the issue too, as the pages open up with ideas and tips to get on the fitness bandwagon.

Read on and stay fit!


You can visit the FACES Magazine, Oman bookshelf to check our back issues.

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