Dr. Suhaila Shujaa – The Beauty Doctor

Meet Dr. Suhaila Shujaa, a talented dermatologist and aesthetic medicine professional who has all the secrets to getting and maintaining healthy, glowing skin

A specialised Dermatologist and Aesthetic medicine doctor, Dr. Suhaila Esmaeil Shujaa has had a career spanning over nine years in dermatology and aesthetic medicine. She began her career as a practising physician, and went on to pursue a Masters Degree in Dermatology and Venereology from Damascus University in 2013.

Prior to moving to Oman, she started her private practice in the capital of her home country Damascus, Syria. Shortly after, she decided to close her clinic and move to Oman, a decision she says was the biggest challenge of her career. In 2014, she joined ZO Skin Centre by Zein Obagi where she performs a wide range of aesthetic procedures such as chemical peeling, dermabrasion, Botox, fillers, mesotherapy, thread lifting, laser hair removal, laser vascular lesions, skin resurfacing, radiofrequency machines for rejuvenation and skin tightening.

With the festive season just around the corner, we simply had to ask Dr. Suhaila Shujaa about what people in Oman should be doing to keep their skin healthy throughout. Reiterating the need for a proper step-by-step skincare regimen, she said, “Follow a strict skincare routine, advised by a dermatologist. Use a cleanser, toner, sunblock, morning and night cream.”

Dr. Suhaila Shujaa

We also asked her about the trends in the beauty and skincare industries. When it comes to the beauty industry, face contouring has been the hottest topic for a while. “Face contouring has been a buzzword for years now. Mostly in the beauty industry contouring generally means to accentuate the appearance and shape of certain facial features. It typically refers to the cheekbones, but facial contouring can be used to emphasize the temples, nose, jawline, and even the forehead,” she remarked. “As for skincare, there are many new and innovative treatments to tackle a myriad of skin problems, but mainly everything with hyaluronic acid is trending, as it helps boost collagen and gives the skin a healthy glow.”

The future is filled with promise for Dr. Suhaila. But it is her clients and patients that she strives to continue to serve best. She hopes to grow more in Oman, to always stay up to date in the fast moving world of aesthetic medicine and to always meet the expectations of her patients and give them the best results.

Up Close & Personal with Dr. Suhaila Shujaa

The home I grew up in


When I was a child I wanted to…

Become a doctor

The moment that changed me forever…

The day I met my husband

My hero…

My father

If I could change one thing about myself…

It would be my obsession with organised things at home

I dream of…

Seeing my kids growing every day

What I see when I look in the mirror…

I am younger every day

Dr. Suhaila Shujaa

My greatest regret…

I don’t have any regrets

You may not know it but I’m no good at…


You may not know it but I’m very good at…


If I have time to myself…

I do skin care treatments

My house is…

My comfort zone

My favourite haunt/holiday destination…


My favourite weekend spot in Oman…

Al Bustan

I will not leave my house without…

My sunglasses

Things I like about Oman…

It is such a peaceful place

On top of my wish list is…

My kids’ happiness

My success mantra is…

My husband’s continuous support

In 10 years’ time, I hope to be…

The owner of my own clinic

A Wellness Getaway

Social Networks


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