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Shared Stories of FCC Angkor by Avani

Ancient treasures and wonders of Angkor Wat come alive at FCC Angkor Avani Hotels, which has seamlessly woven Siem Reap’s colonial heritage with modern charm, observes Sophia Raman, in the following review of the property

I was on a pause, rewind…play mode as I stood mesmerised at the entrance to the magical Angkor Wat, soaking in its time-warped essence and indulging my endearing love for Mowgli and his troupe, who pranced in what looked like the ruins of this temple, alongside King Louie in The Jungle Book.

FCC Angkor

It is easy to fix a childlike wonder on your face as you get your eyeful, rather all the senses filled, with historical mores connected to the crumbling edifice. There is romance there and it is easy to get transmitted to another time when life would have seemed like a chapter pulled out of fictional wonderment.

As we walked around this popular tourist spot, I couldn’t help but experience the residue of FCC Angkor Avani Hotels’ heritage and bewitching lure abounding everywhere. Located just minutes away from this most alluring historic site (and just across from the Royal Independence Gardens and Royal Residence), the Hotel is an expression of casual elegance that subtly highlights its refined luxury. It has a distinct ambience of a well appointed chic hotel with distinct art deco that traces its origins to the old French Governor’s mansion, which underwent renovation to turn into this plush hotel. The warmth packed within its space perfectly resonates with the vision of the original architect Gary Fell, who effortlessly blended tropical modernity with its French colonial history.

FCC Angkor

Managed by Avani Hotels & Resorts, the FCC Angkor is central to the Siem Reap Town. Its structural allure is heightened by its vicinity to the scenic Siem Reap River. Hemmed by lush green gardens featuring centuries-old trees and tropical flora, and the special salt-water swimming pool, it is a destination designed to welcome weary souls in search of some sensorial experience with luxurious pampering and the inevitable bonding with nature.

It was late evening when we reached FCC Angkor; we decided to have a quick dinner and retire for the night, as the morning promised to open up Cambodia’s magic and allure. And, as our hosts at FCC Angkor promised us, from the moment we entered the newly reimagined FCC Angkor we were assailed by the scents and scenes of Cambodia’s stories past. Then, as we walked through the lemon grass paths, we couldn’t help but wonder if we’d actually entered a timeless space. The modish rooms are incorporated with aesthetic elements like hand-woven baskets, which we were told are the products manufactured by Cambodia’s Manava – a social enterprise that is engaged in empowering women artisans.

FCC Angkor

Interestingly, as part of FCC Angkor’s community outreach programme, local villages have been engaged to produce bed runners and chair cushions exhibiting the kind of exquisite craftsmanship that makes the resort a treat for all the senses. The use of natural materials, such as stone slabs and recycled wood, throughout the property, adds warmth and character to the otherwise deliberately minimalist décor. There are other interesting vintage touches, like the typewriter, locally resourced artefacts and the quaint copper bathroom amenities.

FCC Angkor

Culinary experience

We were invited to savour culinary masterpieces that were seasoned with flavours of decades past – and we did. We enjoyed freshly baked croissants on the terrace; Khmer inspired dishes in The Mansion; and revelled in the rhythmic beats of the city at Scribe. The Mansion restaurant boasts structural elegance with its delightful high ceilings that bring in natural light. Here, guests can enjoy local and international culinary favourites while soaking in its vibrant ambience. Scribe, on the other hand, is a contemporary take on the colonial-era bar, adorned with copper, wood, and sandstone. Interestingly, visitors can wander across the bridge that literally connects old to new, admire local artworks exhibited in the Gallery or explore the gardens featuring intricate hand-carved statues from Artisans d’Angkor.

Colonial heritage

It is, perhaps, FCC Angkor’s adherence to its once resplendent cultural foundation that adds to its impressive façade. The historic mansion remains the focal point, anchoring the resort’s look and feel from the past into the present. Discrete references of the signature French-tropical architectural style are used throughout the new structure. From the vertical louvres and whitewashed facade to the Khmer art and open spaces that overlook the picturesque gardens, every structural element oozes true elegance, charm and historical beauty.

FCC Angkor

Seamlessly blending traditional with contemporary, the areas surrounding the mansion perfectly reflect natural and historical beauty. Modern touches, embodied all through the property, upgrade the existing building, while the new structures present design features that echo The Mansion’s classic lines. It is easy to note that the design was as much influenced by the landscape as by the history of the place. The canopy of trees that shield the terraces and the balconies, which adorn all the new 80 guest rooms and suites, create a romantic mood, inviting guests to savour the joys of nature amidst architectural and design excellence. There is an element of intimacy within its spaces that gives it a distinctly residential feel, with airy rooms and natural light streaming in through large windows framing the tropical paradise outside.

A Ray of Laith

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