Measures in Colleges To Prevent COVID-19 Infections


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Colleges Can Prevent 96 Per Cent of COVID-19 Infections with Common Measures. The combined effectiveness of three COVID-prevention strategies on college campuses — mask-wearing, social distancing, and routine testing – are as effective in preventing coronavirus infections as the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), according to a new study co-authored by a Case Western Reserve University researcher. The research, published in Annals of Internal Medicine, found that a combination of just two common measures – distancing and mandatory masks – prevents 87% of campus COVID-19 infections. Adding routine lab-based testing to the mix would prevent 92% to 96% of COVID infections.

Conflict Between Divorced Parents Can Lead to Mental Health Problems in Children

A new study from the Arizona State University Research and Education Advancing Children’s Health (REACH) Institute has found that children experience fear of being abandoned when their divorced or separated parents engage in conflict. Worrying about being abandoned predicted future mental health problems in children. The work was published in the journal Child Development. The researchers surveyed families participating in the ‘New Beginnings Program’, asking 559 children (aged 9-18 years) about their exposure to conflict. The questions included topics like whether their parents fought in front of them, spoke poorly of the other parent or asked children to carry messages. Children exposed to interparental conflict were more likely to report worrying about being abandoned by one or both of their parents.

Antibiotics from Cockroaches May Save Lives


The potential for developing bacteria-fighting antibiotics from molecules found in cockroaches is under investigation in a joint study led by American University of Sharjah (AUS). Dr. Naveed Khan, Professor and Head of the Department of Biology, Chemistry and Environmental Sciences at the AUS College of Arts and Sciences (CAS), argues that since cockroaches live in some of the filthiest places on earth, they must have potent defence mechanisms against superbugs that help them thrive in polluted environments. Meanwhile, humans are trying to find ways to protect themselves from various infections by introducing new antibacterial soaps. 


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