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Your health and wellness is your responsibility, so let's keep the pendulum of life swinging in the right direction

Health And Wellness Trends and Regimen

As August turns to September and life hops back to normalcy after a long summer hiatus, a post-holiday reality check is in order. Whether to get back to the daily grind at the office /home /school or to give the holiday weight gain a beating, a little health and wellness retrospection is required to help shake the post-holiday inertia away.

Like all things style and fashion, the health and wellness industry is also pegged on trends, many of which can be traced to diet fads and exercise regimes popularised by celebrities and their personal trainers

To make this transition easy, we have dedicated this issue to ‘Health, Wellness and Weight Management’ to help pave your days ahead with a diet and fitness regimen to make the post-holiday season fit and inspiring.

Health And Wellness

While our cover story delves into the infinite pond of wellness with inputs from Dr. Wahid Ali Al Kharusi, the Special segment takes cues from a host of health and fitness trends and diet fads to demonstrate the importance of finding the right balance, with a quick peek at traditional medicines which are still as popular among many. Our regular features also provide a quick jog along the weight road, while tackling the essential health and wellness issues, to present various options and measures if you have weight on your mind and wellness on your lifestyle agenda.

Also when healthy eating goes too far, it turns into orthorexia. Know more about that right here.

The spotlight is on the vibrant music scene in the capital, which has received a boost in recent times, thanks to Open Mic Oman and Just Jam Sessions.

Go on, read all about it and more in this FACES!

You can visit the FACES Magazine, Oman bookshelf to check our back issues.

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