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A Champion’s Definition – Mohammed al-Mashaykhi

Breaking the barriers of disability and shining as one of Oman’s top athletes, Mohammed al- Mashaykhi gives an exclusive insight into his life and journey from a young boy with a dream to becoming a Paralympic champion.

Born in 1991, Mohammed al- Mashaykhi is a well-known athlete in Oman who has won himself and the country several accolades. What makes him even more special is his disability; Mohammed was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Varying from person to person, the condition causes involuntary movements, stiffness of muscles, tremors, difficulty in speaking, impeding vision, sensation, hearing, and swallowing.

Muhammed al-Mashaykhi

Despite his disability, Mohammed has always been an avid lover of athletics from a young age. “I have been an athlete since childhood. I always played football and basketball during my school days, as well as partook in gym exercises,” claims Mohammed. “However,” he adds, “I only discovered my true passion for athletics with the help of a friend. Although my love for sports was evident from childhood, it was only when my friend supported and equipped me with everything, I need to pursue this as my ambition, that my passion for athletics came to life.”

Every athlete always has a first time; the first experience that makes their whole world spin and helps them realise their true love for their sport, encouraging them to take it to the next step. Mohammed, who is a shot-put champion, spoke to us about his first experience, he said, “Of course I remember my first experience. It was unique, the first time in my life I caught that iron ball. It left me inspired with a massive sense of encouragement that made me feel I would one day become a successful person.” Maintaining that, Mohammed did go on to become an athletic champion. His performance and determination shone through each tournament he participated in. However, he does not credit one or two instances as his most successful career moments. Instead, Mohammed appreciates every experience that makes up his sports career. “Every moment in my sports career, I consider a success. I appreciate every experience as a successful one,” he tells us.

Cerebral Palsy like any other disability comes with many challenges of its own. Apart from coping with one’s unique lifestyle and watching the world from a different lens, most people with disabilities come under society’s radar for no significant reason. Mohammed too faced many pressing challenges at a young age. Mockery and bullying were a common occurrence for Mohammed as a child; “From a young age, I was subject to bullying and mockery. They called me ‘the cripple’ and ‘the madman’. I was affected a little bit, but I also knew that I couldn’t let it get to me, and so, I did not.” Apart from his childhood challenges, Mohammed does not believe his disability has hindered his dreams and personality in any way. On being asked about how his disability influenced or rather affected, his journey as an athlete, Mohammed tells us. “My disability has not hindered my sports career and my journey as an athlete. Instead, it has benefited me by increasing both my dedication and determination towards my goal, in my career, and my life.”

Muhammed al-Mashaykhi

Being sincere and persevering to achieve his absolute best is how Mohammed’s lives every moment of his life. His discipline as an athlete is incredible and his journey to becoming the best never stops. “I am serious in everything I do. When it comes to my sport, I am highly particular about my training,” claims Mohammed. He also highlighted the importance of being sincere, saying, “One must understand that a lot of hard work goes behind a successful sports performance. The journey is exhausting, both physically, and emotionally. But we already knew that a sportsperson’s road isn’t paved with roses.”

Although a champion, Mohammed had moments where he felt like giving up. The 2016 Brazil Olympics left Mohammed demotivated and discouraged from pursuing his dream, due to external inevitable factors that disregarded his hard work. However, it was not long before he picked himself up and moved further thanks to the help and support, he received from important people in his life. He tells us, “I wanted to give up after the 2016 Brazil Olympics, I wanted to stop. I was shocked, disappointed, and a little bit frustrated, but my coach did not give up on me. He helped pick me up and ensured I continued my career.” 

Despite his best efforts and constant participation, success did not come easy for Mohammed. In fact, it was not until the year 2017, that Mohammed received due credit for all his hard work. “My most defining moment was when I won the silver medal at the 2017 World Championships. Considering I wanted to quit, to win that title just reinstated for me that hard work does pay off and one should follow their dreams.” As for what goes behind putting up a stellar performance Mohammed says, “Fatigue, pain, persistence, and determination are crucial to becoming a champion. That is what worked for me. I also strongly believe that my coach’s guidance, and God’s blessings, made my dreams possible.” He further added, “I don’t like negligence. I also believe that one must use resources wisely. For me, my best resource is my coach, and I never neglect his guidance, and use his training to my full advantage.”

To better understand Mohammed’s mindset as an athlete, we spoke to him about what goes on in his head before, during, and after his performance in an athletic tournament. Although there is no particular thought in his mind, he prepares uniquely with his own special rituals, invoking God’s blessings, and preparing by staying away from anything that can agitate his mood. “I prefer staying alone for that duration to avoid any irritation and unnecessary pressure that might hinder my performance,” he explains.

For people like himself, and loved ones of people living with disabilities, Mohammed just wants to tell them, “We are not handicapped, or disabled.” To those living with disabilities, he adds, “You are a talented person. So, trust your abilities, trust yourself, and don’t let anyone put you down. Just go on with following your dreams because life matters.” For budding athletes, Mohammed says, “Self Confidence, determination, and hard work will help you get to where you want to be. But what’s most important is that you love what you do.” As for what is next on his planner that might excite us, “I am currently preparing for the Tokyo Olympics, so that’s what you will see next. But we wish everyone participating, all the best.”


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