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A Family Worthy Meal to Chase the Lockdown Blues

With lockdowns in place, family meals may feel the same each day. There are however ways to break the monotony and gather your family to enjoy a unique experience full of joy and love by implementing these simple ideas

The current pandemic has brought about lockdowns one after the other; an important measure to ensure the safety of people. Although this gives more time for oneself and one’s family, it is hard to be living the same life daily without going out for a breather. No picnics, no parties, and no family meals outside of your four walls. Monotony and boredom can really drag you down, but not if you know how to make it exciting and fun again. Sharing a meal with family is one special feeling. Trying out new things together makes it even more exciting. We don’t know when we will get rid of the pandemic so, for 2021, it’s time to mix things up a little bit and try out something new. Prepare for a joyful, unique, and incredible dining experience every evening with your loved ones!

Try a Different Cuisine

When you start a new year, it’s always nice to make a change in a positive direction. When it comes to food, it’s always evolving. For your meals this summer, make a change by changing up your cuisine. It does not have to be difficult, just different and fun. Use this opportunity to try out something new. And since lockdown is on and about, gather the family to help. Nothing makes a family meal more delightful than being involved together in the process right from the beginning. There are plenty of recipes online; Moroccan, Indian, Jordanian, Nigerian, Turkish, Indonesian, and more. Whatever cuisine you pick, just make sure to switch it up from your usual style and enjoy a delicious meal with your loved ones.

Instant Pot and One Pan Recipes

When you have a hungry family to feed and not so much time, gourmet recipes might seem complex and not something that might fit into your schedule. This is especially true as more people are currently working from home. Managing between work and personal life is still something we are adapting to in the current year. But who said you can’t have a restaurant-quality meal with less prep time? The mighty ‘Instant Pot’ is always ready to save the day and a whole lot of your time. All you need to do is get your ingredients ready and cook it all together in your instant pot as the recipe suggests. The alternative to this would be some delicious one-pan recipes which will not only save you time but also the dishwashing that later awaits!

Go Vegan

A Family Worthy Meal

Veganism has been steadily rising for a long time. With environmental and ecological concerns at the forefront, people are making a calculated and slow shift to vegetarianism and veganism. We don’t expect you to go vegan, that’s not what we’re saying, but why not put a spin on food this summer by trying out some vegan-friendly recipes. A vegan meal might stand as a true challenge for those who usually do not follow a vegan diet. Not just in terms of consumption but also in the way the meals are prepared. However, a challenge can be incredibly exciting and fun when you do it together as a family. Vegan recipes are incredibly delicious and healthy but only if you give them a chance. If you’re still not convinced, you should try out those vegan-friendly foods that give the same flavour as your usual diet. Not only will you be indulging in a scrumptious family meal, but you will also make room for some health benefits, as well as end up giving this friendly lifestyle a chance.

Shake up those Dates

A Family Worthy Meal

High in nutritional value and the perfect source for sugar and energy, dates make the ideal food to snack on when you’re hungry. However, dates also make for great dessert food. But this time, instead of eating it directly, why not shake it up a little bit. An Icecream milkshake made with dates is a drool-worthy, energising, refreshing, and delicate drink that leaves you wanting more. It’s fun and easy to make and there are no rules to follow with the recipe. Elevate the milkshake further by adding in mix-ins such as chocolate and banana. Gather the little ones to whip up some cream and you have the perfect topic and delightful milkshake to enjoy your summer evenings!



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