Beginning from childhood, Autism Spectrum Disorder is a neurological and developmental disorder that lasts throughout a person’s life. Living on the spectrum is challenging not just for the person but also for those around them. Often families are not well equipped to understand the needs of their autistic family members and an efficient way to care for them. This results in stunted growth for children who have much more potential and zeal despite being autistic.
As family, one must understand that autism does not change your loved one. Although they may seem different to you, from their perspective, we’re the ones that are different and autism is their normal. Autistic children are smart, talented, have a sense of humour, and are human beings just like any of us. As a family, it is necessary that you learn and do what it takes to make sure you fit into their normal rather than wanting them to fit in yours. Only then will you be able to give them wings so they can thrive and find what makes them happy. We have for you three essential tips to help set up an environment for your child to succeed:

Get the right support
We cannot stress this enough. Getting the right kind of support is necessary because there are people who have studied for years making it possible to develop effective and efficient measures to treat and care for autistic children and their families. Family counselling helps you understand and empathise with each other and can bring sanity when things seem to go overboard. ASD support groups are a great source of getting important information from other families in similar situations, advice, or even serves as a platform to unload all your feelings. Respite care comes to the rescue when you need a break; you hand over the reins to someone else temporarily, which will give you enough time to relax and refresh your mind and body to start again. Whether you chose to go to family counselling, ASD support groups, or seek respite care, all these measures can help your child a little more than you could all on your own.

Structure and Consistency
Providing structure is key to children with autism. Autistic children work well when they follow a structured routine that allows them to function in a timely manner. Structure and consistency enable autistic children to calm their nerves, anxiety, uncertainty, and depression which are a common part of their life. As a way to comfort themselves, they look at things in a particular manner and need for them to be the same. Consistency plays a major role in raising autistic children. This is because someone on the spectrum struggles with picking up a certain behaviour until reinforced. In such a case, it is important to be consistent and aware of everything your child is learning whether it is at therapy or in school. Repeatedly working with your child will help them adjust to new things they have learnt. Additionally, when you have an autistic child, it is essential to provide them with a schedule; one that sets out a timely manner for all activities in their daily life such as meals, school, study, family time, therapy sessions, and whatever else may need to be included. Sometimes, change is inevitable but it can be expected. In such situations, it is important to prepare your child in advance. You need to talk them through the changes they can expect, this will help reduce the element of shock.

Do not make them feel different
Like any other child, autistic children crave love and acceptance. It is important to look beyond their autism and see them as children, and a part of your family. This does not go for parents alone but also for siblings, relatives, and anyone you allow in close proximity with your child. Not making your autistic child feel different is tricky because, as loved ones, you are always worried about what they need and how to help; this is why we asked that you get the right kind of help. As parents, you need to make it clear to the people around you that this is your child and you’re in it 100 per cent to see your child succeed. You may at times have thoughts of giving up but don’t ever give up. Use your knowledge, the tools you have, the help you get, and treat your autistic child like any other. Make time to play and have fun. Reward their good behaviour, and discipline them when they are wrong. Like other children, autistic children will learn and grow in due time. Accept them for who they are, and be patient with them.