Joseph Sims has the creative license as a stand-up comedian and he knows how to use it…
As the founder of Oman Comedy Central (OCC) he has taken the comedy benchmark in the country to an all new level, hosting international comedians and staging monthly performances that have flavoured the city’s comic sense. OCC has helped spawn a strong team of local comedians, and Joseph, who is popularly known as Joe in the entertainment industry, has helped shape the talented folks and created avenues to test their skills.
Curiously though, it wasn’t comedy that brought Joe to Oman in 2003; it was a posting as an IT contractor. But, as he points out, he got ‘tired of it’ after some time. “So I put my money where my mouth was and set up this event (Titan Events & Entertainment) company,” he quips.
The early years were tough, but, over the years, things have moved in the right direction. 2016 was a tough year, admits Joe, pointing out that the service industry bore the biggest brunt of the economic slowdown. “But this year we started out very strong. Our business is up 200 percent over 2016 and we are actually looking to hire – that’s an indication of a strong base,” observes Joseph.
Besides comedy, he also has a strong background as a DJ, having begun DJing at the age of 15. His father was a DJ, his two brothers, and his son, are DJs! A family man, Joseph has three grown kids living in Seattle, Washington and New Orleans, Louisiana.
His flair for music and a natural trait for comedy have helped forge his event company ahead, with exciting options for the public to experience entertainment at newer levels. As Joe points out, “Event management can be pretty competitive… But if everyone is offering the exact same thing, how competitive is it?”
Titan’s focus is on offering creative solutions to clients; one such has been the introduction of the technology of video mapping to Oman. “We offer video mapping services from a world champion design house. We did a birthday party last month, where we did video mapping of a birthday cake. Soon, we will take it to an impressive level with an 80 x 40 screen, which will make the public stand up and take notice,” adds Joseph.
Another plan on the agenda, which is all set to become reality soon, is the introduction of a new Ibiza style beach club facility, which will raise the standard of partying in Oman, with DJs from countries around the world. In addition, comedy lovers will be treated to shows produced by Titan in the first quarter of 2018, featuring regional comedians. Plans are on to put together a comedy festival, which will have comedians from around the world and the winners will be voted by the audience. This will require sponsorships from companies here, but Joe is willing to take the risk, as the agenda of Titan is to bring new things to the community. He also hopes to augment the success of their last show at Salalah with regular gigs in the coming year.
For fans of OCC, Joe’s comedy may come across as a spontaneous act, but there is a lot of work, in addition to continuous improvisations while on stage. His fun-guy-to-be-around tag helped set his comedy career, but comedy, says Joe, has made him see things differently. “Now I see things that are potential jokes or potential punch lines and then it goes down in my joke book. As comedians we have creative license to say whatever we want… This is one of the few occupations were I get paid to lie,” quips Joseph.
The home I grew up in… I grew up in many homes as we moved quite a bit. I went to 13 schools before graduating high school. But it made me a better traveller. I have no problems making friends.
When I was a child I wanted to… I wanted to be an architect, but life offered me other things along the way.

The moment that changed me forever… Serving in the military is the thing that changed me the most. The way I think, the way I attack challenges, even the way I walk, can be traced back to my military service.
My greatest inspiration… This is probably my mother. As a kid I watched her struggle as a single parent with two boys. I think this is the basis of my drive in life to achieve my goals. Sharp focus and do what needs to be done.
If I could change one thing about myself… When you are past 50 years of life there are many things people would want to change. But those are all cosmetic. At this point in my life I am happy in my own skin. Not many people can say that.
I dream of… My next travel destination. I love to discover new countries. So I get pretty excited when a travel opportunity comes up.
My greatest regret… Is the time I spent away from my kids. They are so important, yet most people barely notice they are there.
You may not know it but I’m no good at… Basketball! In my travels people always assume that I must be good at basketball. I know that the ball is round. But that is about the extent of my knowledge. So it really cracks me up with they finish fighting over what team will get me, and then discover that I can’t play.
You may not know it but I’m very good at… DJ’ing. This has been passion since I was a teen. I had my own radio show at 17 in the San Francisco area.
If I have time to myself… Go to the movies. It sounds like a simple thing, but I feel like the movies is a two-hour vacation from your life where you can be whisked away to another place. No phone, no meeting, no talking.
My Dream holiday destination… As a diver, my dream destination is to dive at Truk Lagoon, Micronesia. The story is too long to tell here. But the short version is, it is the reverse of Pearl Harbour from World War II. It provides some of the best wreck diving in the world. I invite all divers to look it up.
My favourite weekend camping spot in Oman… Camping on Mashirah Island. This is one of the few places left in Oman where you can have to whole beach to yourself for the weekend.
I will not leave my house without… Cellphone, wallet, keys, notebook (the paper type).
Five things I like about Oman… The people – unique to all of the Middle East; the geography – a nice variety for a desert country; the culture – exactly the opposite to the world’s perception of the Middle East; it’s neutral stance in world politics – no one hates Oman; the way our community mixes together.
My success mantra is… Baby steps will still get you there. Most people don’t have the patience for success. Success comes from looking at what you have achieved, not how far you have to go.
In 10 years’ time, I hope to be… Semi-retired travelling the world