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This brand new 2020 issue of FACES is packed with several interesting gems to set the tone for your coming months. Come along and stay hopeful.

A Ray of Hope

As 2020 dawned on the global horizon with a backlog of civilian casualties and environment hazards from the previous year, we at FACES scoured our local space to find a ray of hope that would fill the New Year with hope, succour and enlightenment. The peace-loving nation that Oman is, that was as easy as a cool breeze on a pleasant January morning.

We found our ray of hope; rather several rays of hope, from people who have made it their business to spread joy with their skills and their humane touch to stay grounded and focused. They have made careers out of their love for humanity; they have made it their mission to spread a spark of optimism, even when none seems to exist. They are, indeed, founts of hope.

While there are several such rays of hope in and around us, we have picked only a fistful to bring to you the importance of seeking that all-important anchor to move on. Read about them in our cover story and find ways to share your vibrant rays with people in your environment. We are hopeful that the message of hope strikes a chord with you and helps you channelize your energies in the right direction this 2020.

This brand new 2020 issue of FACES is packed with several interesting gems to set the tone for your coming months. Come along, relax and stay hopeful. Let us take you through myriads of colours that are possible in the coming year!

Happy 2020!

Ring in the Festive Season!

You can visit the FACES Magazine, Oman bookshelf to check our back issues.

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