Infinity and beyond… That is where Laith journeys every time he channelizes his perceptible energies and his healing touch to reach out to people from all over the world. He sees infinite possibilities through simple thoughts and words and that is the message he propounds in his website too, wherein he states, ‘You are infinite light. The power is all within you. You are life and life is YOU’. Out to nourish the body, mind and soul, he is in tune to the needs of people who reach out to him, whether to connect with their loved ones or to heal mentally and emotionally and to realise the beauty and light they add to the world.
He propounds a four-step roadmap to realise the benefits of self-healing and attain a sense of oneness with self and nature. They are – know your belief system, address your fears, inculcate forgiveness and sprinkle self-love. He explains, “We go through a lot since childhood; there are wounds and there is trauma; there is experience and there is suffering and pain. All of these things are deep inside, which most of the times we are not aware of. We can say ‘yes I forgave’ or ‘yes I let go’ or ‘I moved on’, but deep inside there is a small attachment to that and from that we have this belief system, which is not ours. It is the belief system from society, from parents, from media, from external influences… How sure are we that this belief system is ours and if it does serve us in love and not fear? They are like seeds; they are planted in childhood and, as we grow, the seed grows and there is a plant.”
Having done countless readings to assess blockages in his clients, Laith is certain that every blockage, whether in relationships, careers, finances, or others, is rooted in the belief system one follows. He states, “It is like living a life based on the software that is not yours – but you believe in that software and you are afraid to change that software, because that software is programmed by those you believed in… However, deep down the line, those people are humans too; their belief systems may be based on their parents belief systems, and so on. Your parents may have struggled in the past and now you believe that you have to work hard too. But their time was different; they had to work hard because of limitations and the hardship of times they may had to go through. Not so for you! We can never compare now and the past – now is present and present is life.
“For example, I was told ‘Laith, if you do not pray you will not get abundance and prosperity’, and I believed it and I struggled. Then I wrote it down and I asked, ‘is this belief mine?’ No, it is theirs. I deserve prosperity. I deserve finances. See how it goes… So, first check your belief system.

“Tell me, why are we praying? Because we are told we need to pray or because we want to pray and experience God’s love and miracles? Why are we helping? What is the intention? Are you living based on your beliefs or based on someone else’s? We pray, but nothing changes. Is that prayer coming from your heart, or is it just a duty? Let the prayer come from the heart. First, connect to that heart of yours, which is never separate from you. Remember, you are not separate from yourself – you are always with yourself. It is important to understand yourself, and when that happens, you realise your wholeness.”
The next step he advocates is to write down fears. “Ask yourself, are these fears real; are those fears yours? You need to understand why you are afraid about acceptance and forgiveness. When we go deeper, we realise that our children will follow the same. Either we end the cycle or it continues. We have a choice,” he stresses.
Then comes forgiveness, which can lead to healing. “I had to forgive people who hurt me so badly,” he reflects, adding that forgiveness helped him to move on and feel good about himself. “Forgiveness sets you free, just like a bird from its cage. So, let us not live in guilt or blame, let us live as we were created to do – live, laugh and love. Everyone deserves forgiveness. When we go through an experience, whether good or bad, we ask forgiveness from the Creator. The Creator himself is forgiving. The adjectives given to Creator are all beautiful words; all positive names,” he elucidates, stressing on the need to follow forgiveness with self-love.
Laith’s Healing Journey
It has not been an easy journey for 35-year old Laith. In 2007, he met with an accident while on a holiday back home in Oman. That accident damaged the nerves in his neck and left him with a permanent functional disability in his right arm. But that accident wasn’t the turning point for him. If anything, it made him harder. “It made me angrier. It gave me a reason to try to take my life twice… I had no reason to live. Some people were happy it happened – at least now may be he will calm down, they thought. I had drug abuse problem…I was an arrogant young boy – not afraid…” he recalls.

Then in 2013, Laith remembers being told that he needs to surrender to win. “I am like, surrender for what, surrender to whom? I was told that I need to just say ‘I surrender’. It was difficult, and I do not know how those words came out of my mouth, but when they did, I felt free. I was laughing. All that suffering I had and all I had to do was just surrender…because, when you surrender, you win. That was the beginning of hope. And I started getting better, day after day. I made a promise to myself that I will never stop spreading light, love and hope as long as I live. And I have reached a place where I forgive me and others,” he muses.
Around this time, many people, including well-respected healers and mediums – people from different countries and races – told him that he would heal people. Being open-minded, he trusted and believed, as he had nothing to lose. He got many signs and just followed them. “It wasn’t easy for someone like me who was stubborn and believed he was always right and never wrong. Then you follow signs and you realise you are sailing; just moved by the wind and grace of the higher power that I call The Creator. It has never let me down till now,” he stresses.
A year or so ago, he got inspired by friends who spoke freely about their potentials and he decided to follow suit in Oman. His belief that intention is the most powerful thing in the world led him on. “If the intention is good, there are higher forces that will move you by grace – nothing will break it, nothing will stop it,” Laith states, defining intention as unconditional love for all. “No race, no religion, no colour, no separation. We are human beings on a journey and all our principles are the same…love, kindness, compassion. Everyone deserves healing. We are not perfect. No one is perfect. Why don’t we instead support each other – mentally and emotionally,” he asks, pointing out that it is not just about us, but also about generations ahead.
Healing Sessions
Laith who has a full time job in the private sector does reading and healing sessions whenever there is a request – either in person or on phone, whatever is comfortable for the client. “I always tell people just call me… If I know, I know; if I do not know I will tell you. I am open; I have no restrictions. I know people who are suffering, but no one can rescue them unless they decide to rescue themselves. Life is not about lessons; it is about experiences. For, lesson is punishment while experience is an understanding of your path towards your journey. Every healing is a different experience,” he maintains.
Healing is mostly mental and emotional, opines Laith. “It is based on experiment and experience – I am more into experiment in order to share the experience. I can, for example, do a healing if I have neck pain because stress is related to neck pain. Basically, healing is a process, followed by cleansing vitalizing and strengthening and unfolding of qualities,” he states.

His message is simple: “There is a voice inside us; it
is something higher – it is like God and you are separated from all the noises
and external voices. We have it in all of us – but do we listen to it? The
moment you start listening to it, you will build up your life; it is like a
channel. Personally, with a very high frequency, when I said ‘what do I do, I
am afraid’ – that voice told me ‘don’t be afraid, you are well taken care of’.
So I trusted that voice. Everyone has that voice. People say it is intuition –
we can call it anything. It is the voice you can trust; it wants what is best
for you. It is powerful. You just need to connect with yourself. Just be
truthful and the message will reach further. Sometimes we need to unlearn what
we learned and go back to the purity for who we truly are. Everyone has his own
path, his own journey. So walk with love…”
(For more information, visit