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A Teen Today Is All Gussied Up!

Teen skincare can be tricky…but not if you know how to care for your skin

If there’s one thing a teen does not enjoy, it’s the change in their skin. Facial skin that was once soft and clear turns bumpy, shiny and becomes prone to acne and pimples. Hormonal surges affect sebaceous (oil-producing) glands, making a teen’s skin oily, with enlarged pores and blackheads.

It’s never too early to start caring for your skin. Just like we feed our bodies to maintain good health, we need to nourish our skin too. While most television commercials target ageing skin, the earlier one begins caring for skin, the longer lasting benefits one will reap.

Before we launch into a slew of tips to help your skin be its best self, a good rule to follow is to never copy your friends’ skincare regimens. Even though you may all be going through puberty together, it’s possible that your skin type – normal, oily, dry or combination – and your friend’s is worlds apart. What works for you may not work for them, and vice versa.

Teens Skincare


Washing your face and body daily is a no-brainer, but it’s necessary for a teen to understand your skin-type before you choose cleansing products. For oily skin, choose an oil-free gel or foam face wash. For normal skin, use a gentle alcohol-free wash, and for dry skin, a milk-based cleanser. Gently wash skin in circular motions and dry by dabbing with a soft wash cloth.


Dead skin and gunk needs to be buffed off any teen skin. So, get a gentle exfoliating scrub, but remember not to use it over acne or pimples. For a natural remedy, mix a teaspoon of lemon juice, a tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of granulated sugar, then gently rub it on your face and lips; wash after 10 minutes. Do not over exfoliate – once a week is plenty.


It may seem paradoxical that the goal is to control excess oil, but moisturising is key! It is a vital step that restores moisture to the skin after cleansing it. For oily skin, use an oil-free moisturiser. After cleansing, smooth a small dollop of moisturiser onto your skin daily. Don’t forget to moisturise your body too.

Oil Control

Teens Skincare

Keep a pack of face tissues handy, and blot away any excess oil throughout the day. If you have parts of your face that get particularly shinier than the rest, dab those spots with mild toner after you wash your face, then moisturise.

Acne and Pimples

While any teen may be tempted to pop pimples and acne, refrain from doing so. Using a spot-treatment before going to bed may help the pimple dry down by the morning. Seek professional help to treat acne if the problem persists.


While it’s best to stay away from makeup on the whole, if you must use it, never go to sleep without cleaning it all off! Use a pre-moisturised face wipe to clean off waterproof products, then wash, tone and moisturise before your head hits the pillow. Also, don’t share makeup, as you don’t want to share germs with your friends and siblings.

Shield from the Sun

Always wear sunscreen during the day. Using sunscreen is not about stopping a tan from coming on. No matter what skin tone you flaunt, your skin needs protection from harmful UV rays. Choose an oil-free product with the right amount of SPF and slather it on your face and body before leaving the house.

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