Healthy lifestyle could guarantee and extra disease-free decade

A study in the ‘BMJ’ suggests that women can gain 10 and men seven years of life free of diseases, cancer, coronary problems and type 2 diabetes from a healthy lifestyle practiced during their younger years. The researched studied 111,000 people tracked over the course of 20 years. The study brings with it a positive message and attempts to convince people to adopt a healthy lifestyle, by giving up smoking, eating a balanced diet and getting in about 30 minutes of rigorous exercise every day.
Artificial kidney could eliminate need for dialyses

With far too many patients waiting for kidney donors and on dialyses, The Kidney Project, an initiative by William Fissel from Vanderbilt University and Shuvo Roy from the University of California, San Francisco, has engineered and are running tests on an implantable artificial kidney that uses living kidney cells along with specialised microchips that are powered by the heart to perform the actions of a healthy kidney. The artificial kidney can reliably differentiate between waste chemicals and nutrients that your body needs, and only requires common surgery to be inserted into the body, therefore eliminating the need for dialyses which leaves patients sick.
What does your grip say about overall health?

Grip strength, the measure of muscular strength generated by one’s forearm muscles has been found to be indicative of one’s overall health, likelihood of injury and the possible recovery time required. While learning good grip is essential for better performance in sports and more labour intensive activities, it can help conditions like arthritis. A Canadian study found that grip strength also has strong correlations with heart health and can indicate the possibility of cardiovascular disease, heart attacks and strokes.