As the world celebrated World Sleep Day on March 15 to apprise busy folks that sleep is a necessity, not a luxury, we present some luxurious deals from makers of mattresses to enjoy a dose of beauty sleep
Baldacchino Supreme Bed
At 6.3 million dollars, this has to be the most expensive bed in the world, boasting 107 kilogrammes of 24carat gold interiors with small decorative applications in gold leaf detail. Designed by Stuart Hughes in collaboration with Hebanon by Fratelli Basile, is regal in its appearance and its make, featuring chestnut wood, diamonds and Italian silks. Its striking design evokes the timeless qualities of 18th century furniture with modern craftsmanship coming through in its aesthetics.
Price: $6.3 million
Magnetic Floating Bed

If beds were made of dreams it would have taken the shape of this magnetic floating bed; it is sheer magic, taking dreams of floating in the air to literal levels. Designed by Dutch architect Janjaap Ruijssenaars, it gives conventional beds and mattresses a run for their money with its sheer novelty of presentation. Referred to as an art piece by those lucky enough to own one, the bed is made to levitate by using permanent opposing industrial-strength magnets that keep the heavy bed around 1.3 feet off the floor.
Price: $1.6 million
Jado Steel’s Golden Bed

This luxurious waterbed is coated with of 24carat gold and embellished Swarovski crystals along the sideboard. It promises a unique bedding experience with high technology – DVD player and Bose sound system, Blu-ray player, Playstation 3 and a foldaway plasma television coated in gold – and customization options to make it truly special. It also includes a Busch-Jaeger control panel and a remote control.
Price: $676,550
Quantum Sleeper Bed

The Quantum Sleeper Bed takes safety, rather precaution, to another level with an embedded ‘safe room’ that is impenetrable. Referred to as the ‘Anti-Apocalypse Bed’, its exotic features include motion sensors, oxygen sensors, a toilet, ventilation system and lock down; in addition to 1.25” Polycarbonate Bulletproof plating/shielding, a bio-Chemical filter, rebreather, control panel mode selection, one-way see-through head cover, emergency communication system, audio amplifier, air/water tight sealing and a microwave. The Quantum Sleeper Bed is what a war doctor would prescribe to prepare for a war…
Price: $160,000
Parnian Furniture Bed

With options to customise every aspect of this handcrafted bed, the price could range anywhere from $38,000 to $210,000. The materials can be customized with a host of options, including ebony, curly maple, sapele wood and others. Designed by Arizonian based furniture manufacturer Parnian Furninture, it comes fitted with interesting add-ons like iPad holders, a Swivel TV, computer monitors and many secret compartments. This hand-crafted Parnian Furniture Bed is a stylish one to boot.
Price: $210,000
Majesty Vi-spring Bed

From the home of British heritage brand Vispring comes their latest addition, the Diamond Majesty Vispring bed. Introduced in April last year, the bed features three layers of hand-nested calico pocketed springs which provide exceptional support. Made from the finest natural fillings, the Diamond Majesty is also filled with British horsetail – that is exclusive to Vispring – as well as two new deluxe materials: organic cotton and loose vicuna (the most valuable and the rarest fibre in the world, which is ultra-soft and hypoallergenic with excellent insulating properties).
Price: $97,000
Cosmovoide Bed

Comfort is the hallmark of the Cosmovoide Bed, which has the right blend of luxury and aesthetics to make sleep a dream affair. It comes with suspending springs and seven coloured LEDs along with a telephone, DVD theatre and electric relaxation frames. The price is worth the facilities.
Price: $60,000