In the fascinating animal kingdom, the alpha male is the top-ranking animal in a social group, who is, most often, decided by play-fights or aggressive battles.
While the alpha male in the human world is not called on to vie for the title in a fistfight or mental sparring, the sense of power associated with that tag is apparent in simple gestures and overall body language. Take a look at high networth individuals…the vibes are all there. Whether it is the overall personality, the clothes, or simply the attitude on display, an alpha male, apparently, knows just how to portray himself to the world and get his way around things without being domineering or judgmental in his dealings.
According to an online analysis of alpha male, it is the level of confidence demonstrated that determines if one can toe the alpha line. Alpha males not only believe in themselves, they allow their thoughts and actions reflect that belief. And yes, they are competitive. They do not give up in the face of failure; in fact, for them everything they do in life is a competition. It is what drives them in life.
But don’t get it wrong, they are not in a bid to show off their competitive nature.
Although height might seem to be a deciding factor in classifying one as an alpha male, the stress is more on ones presence; it is the larger than life figure that one learns to project, which underscores the alpha personality. Presence may come forth through the body language, ones communication skills and also how one carries himself.

Body Language
It is the poise and the gait, which demonstrates confidence, competition and the presence. The walk may or may not have a swagger, but there is an element of control in every step taken; it is slow but determined and strong. An alpha male knows just where to position himself, while sitting or standing; he knows how to take control of a situation and is, often, seen as a dominant member of a group. He is also a risk-taker, a go-getter and an easy speaker. He knows just what he is talking and what impact it will have and is not afraid to maintain eye contact while talking. It is not simply about looking other people in the eyes; it is about knowing the right amount of eye contact to use and how to use it. It also stretches to physical contact – alphas know their limits when it comes to physical contact but are not afraid to express themselves.
Do’s and don’ts to develop the alpha male persona:
- Don’t let worry creep into your life; replace negative worrisome thoughts with encouraging ones.
- Follow the non-reactive path in the face of problems or confrontations. Make ‘move on’ your lifestyle mantra.
- Learn to relax and follow effective breathing practices.
- Identify positive gestures to induce relaxation – avoid wrinkling your forehead or fidgeting with your hands.
- Tone down your movements, incorporate an unhurried pace that is suggestive of your control over time and space.
- Fluid movements signal confidence.
- Don’t tax your eyes… Pay attention to things only if you are interested in it.
- Be calm and rational – that is the trick to reach your alpha state. Getting emotional be a sign of weakness.
- Do what makes you happy; do not seek approval from others.
- Understand fashion and address it positively; how you dress and present yourself has a big say on your alpha status.
- Fitness. You can never overestimate the importance of your physical fitness in your overall personality.
- Do not try to fit in. Being different could be just what helps you in your bid to stand out. Simply do what you want to…
- Do not be afraid to say ‘No’.
- Do not be in a hurry to please people. Remember, you can never make everyone happy; naysayers are everywhere.
- Develop a sense of humour and have the confidence to laugh at yourself. The ability to laugh at yourself will also help you remain humble in your dealings.
- Be a man of values. Make hard work your life’s dictum.
- Do not give up. Ever. You are bound to succeed.