Rebecca Elfverson has always shared a love for fabric, admiring its tactile and visual appeal. Supported by her mother as well as her Great grandmother, the latter of whom was a tailor at the turn of the last century, Rebecca started dressmaking at the young age of just ten. By the time she reached high school, she had already developed a natural understanding of fabric, patterns, and creative visualisation. Rebecca eventually went on to study fashion in Sydney and was guided towards taking on costume design due to its potential scope as well as her personal interest in drama and costumed events.

She was particularly drawn towards the endless possibilities for creativity and design the medium presented – the ability to create anything from a fantasy wonderland setting to something futuristic or maybe even historical and adapt it to a modern stage was just too enticing to resist. “Fashion was something I kept in the background for the duration of my 25-year costume creation career. It was only this year that I finally decided to hang up that hat and return to my original passion of both fashion and specialist design,” said Rebecca Elfverson.
“I created my label called ‘My Inner Muse’. It is a personal introspection that each individual takes to find the beauty within and allow freedom of expression through her choice of clothing – basically finding ‘her Inner Muse,” she added. Through her brand, Rebecca hopes to offer items that appeal to ladies across the GCC with styles that draw their inspiration from Oman and tailoring the styles with European cuts and a stylish and culturally sensitive Arabic influence. We caught up with Rebecca Elfverson to get some further insight into her brand, inspirations, and new upcoming boutique. Here are some excerpts from the interview…
What is your typical day?
I start with a social media check and attend to any client enquiries, followed by a quick update on fashion trends and ideas I may wish to research. I will work on ongoing design ideas and next season collection preparations. As I am opening a new Boutique at the Waterfront in Shatti Al Qurum, I am currently working with printers, contractors, tailors, and suppliers throughout the day. I am based in the boutique, as it serves as both a showroom and my office. I liaise with both customers as well as commission clients, as I like to offer a “direct with the designer” service.
What are the “secrets” to your success?
Right now, I would have to say having a passion and conviction to achieve. Believing in your product and having a personal connection with it. Keeping a strong network of people around you. To outsource your weaker areas to experts and focus on your strengths. To believe that anything is possible.
Where do you draw your inspiration from for your designs?
The garments are inspired from our local environment – its culture, history, and nature, taking inspiration from the deepest deserts to the sublime coastline and the rich historical artefacts, traditional handcrafts, and artisan items found in the souks, added Rebecca Elfverson.

What was the hardest part of running your business and how do you handle it?
One of the things I find hard is to stay focused on an individual project. I have so many ideas and inspirations around me that I want to be doing so much more. However, it is sensible to work through each individual project to fruition and build a solid business foundation.
What do you look forward to most in the future for your business?
The ability to grow and bring something new to the region, as well as getting the opportunity to expand internationally. To have a client following that finds the beauty and inspiration of Oman accessible through my clothing and are able to express it in a genteel feminine manner. I wish to have them wear my clothing as a personal extension of how they feel.
The home I grew up in… was Sydney, Australia.
When I was a child, I wanted to… be an Olympic equestrian rider.
My greatest inspiration… Nature.
My hero… Camilla Franks, the Australian Fashion Designer.
If I could change one thing about myself… I would chill out more.
I dream of… exquisite fabrics and funfairs.
It’s not fashionable, but… I love80’s rock and roll.
You may not know it but I’m no good at… being patient.
You may not know it but I’m very good at… working under pressure.
If I have time to myself… I love to horse ride or read.
My house is… my sanctuary.
My favourite holiday destination… is France.
My favourite weekend spot in Oman… is Jabel Akhdar.
I will not leave my house without… my sunglasses.
Things I like about Oman… are the pace of life and the kindness of the people.
A book that changed me… Breath.
On top of my wish/bucket list is… Wing Walking.
My success mantra is… let the beauty of what you love be what you do.
In ten years’ time, I hope to… continuing to live this blessed life in Oman, having expanded the business internationally.