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As children get ready to head back to school we present some tips, guidelines, and easy checklists to take the stress away from this inevitable change

Back to School And All Things Cool

Like everything else in life, back to school could also prove to be a breeze with little planning and a checklist of things to do before the big day. We present some tips, guidelines, and easy checklists to make the transition smoother and take the stress away from this inevitable change.

Back to School

Adolescence, which stretches from the endearing tween years to the carefree teenage ones, is, by far, the most beautiful phase of our lives. It marks the transition from an impressionable primary student to a carefree teenager, who must take his/her first tentative steps in the larger world.

An increase in stress levels will negatively impair children’s academic performance, maintains Dr. Aziz Alnamani, Medical Director, Psychiatrist and Nutrition Therapist of Top Medical Care – The Psychology Clinic, as he provides an insight into stress in children, to FACES.

There is a sense of invincibility…alongside a dose of uncertainty. Whether the issue concerns higher studies and the choices that one needs to make, or the mundane back-to-school anxiety, which many a child is known to experience, life in the tween to the teen zone is paved with experiences that are both exciting and daunting.

Good empathetic communication skill is essential to help children deal with stress and encourage them to be open about their fears and anxieties, says Dr. Hana Al-Geilani, Psychiatrist at Whispers of Serenity, as she delineates the problem factors and workable solutions.

FACES explores these and other issues in this children’s special to pay tribute to this effervescent phase of life. While the Cover Story addresses the stress factors that act as blocks and provides expert guidelines, the special pages are devoted to tips and tricks for kids and parents seeking to ease the ‘back-to-school’ load.

Taking the cue forward, children’s fashion and makeup dos and don’ts for tweens and teens feature in the regular style and beauty sections, alongside a host of children-related stories, whether it is holiday destinations or home décor. This issue of FACES is packed with all thing’s tweens and teens.

You can visit the FACES Magazine, Oman bookshelf to check our back issues.

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