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Basic Skincare for Men – Scrub, Moisturise and All

Grooming for men is a tricky business, observes Rachel Vera, as she simplifies the task by listing easy skincare measures to help in the grooming quarters

While most men don’t consider anything more than a shower and shave necessary let alone scrub and moisturise, there is no rule that men should look like grubby bears. Getting your man to invest in a simple basic skincare and hair/beard care routine is something his skin will thank you for. So let us get you started.

We get it, men don’t really like to spend hours in front of the mirror (some of them at least), so we have curated this easy and quick basic skincare routine, especially for men. It shouldn’t take more than five minutes a day, and yet is super-duper effective!

Scrub it off:

Skincare for men - Scrub

Dead, dull and dry skin is a plague no one wants to live with. But the truth is neglected skin ends up looking exactly like that. Choose from a physical or chemical exfoliant and give your entire body a good scrub, at least twice a week.

Warm water and scrub with grainy particles help your pores open up and make it easier to slough those dead bits of skin off.

Caudalie Divine Scrub and NUXE Fondant Body Scrub are both excellent options. A homemade one is just as easy to whip up. Try a mix of coffee, lemon juice and sea salt for a super potent, brightening scrub.


Skincare for men - Scrub

Everyone needs a moisturiser. From infants to their grandparents, keeping your skin hydrated is essential not just to have it looking supple and great but also for the skin to stay healthy and youthful. Now the market is saturated with zillions of moisturisers for all purposes and all conditions.

Here’s a simple and easy way to choose a good moisturiser: Since men tend to sweat more than women and tend to have more grease on their skin due to their routines, choose a water-based moisturiser that absorbs quickly into the skin and doesn’t leave a sticky-clammy feel.

Choose from Paula’s Choice Moisturizer or Neutrogena Anti-aging moisturizer. A good drugstore alternative is Jergens, which works extremely well for the body (I don’t recommend this product for the face). The Body Shop makes some really good moisturising products that are easy on the wallet too.

Beard and hair care:

Skincare for men - Scrub

Regardless of how each man decides to wear his bear or his hair, one thing is for sure – you want it to be manageable and soft. The market has tons of beard oils and beard wax that one can use to set it into a particular style. For hair, a simple clarifying shampoo or an anti-dandruff one will work well. Since men cut their hair more often than women, the possibility of split ends and damaged hair is slightly lesser.

Smelling good:

Skincare for men - Scrub

Sweaty pits are real, and thankfully for us, so are deodorants. Ensure you carry a pocket-sized deodorant in your bag at all times to give yourself a spritz whenever you find yourself getting a little sweaty. Spray deos are better and more hygienic than roll-on ones.


The harsh sun spares none of us – gender no bar – which is why sunscreens are super essential. A clear, high SPF, non-greasy sunscreen is great for men. Bioderma and Avene both make SPF 50 sunscreens which absorb quickly into the skin and are sweatproof.

And let’s not forget, basic hygiene and good habits go a long way!

Rachel has a deep passion for wellness and beauty and regularly writes on wellness, skincare and travel. She has worked with several high profile beauty gurus like Nilo Haq in the Middle East and has authored several columns for the well-being of the Arab woman, both on the inside and the outside. Rachel can be found on Instagram @cookielibrary

Winter Starters Anyone?


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