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Beat the Bloat with Quick-fix Dietary Changes

Get party-ready with these easy dietary fixes that will help you beat the bloat in time for special occasions!

You’ve got that gorgeous, sequined dress lying in the wardrobe for a month. You intend to wear it to the party a week from now, with a pair of beautiful heels and your hair done in romantic, lush waves. But you’re worried the dress is too skin-tight on you, and you’re hoping to be a little less bloated so that the dress will be a tad-bit more comfortable. We know the feeling, and we’ve got a bunch of quick-fix dietary changes with which you can beat the bloat and feel and look your best just in time for all the party wear you wish to dazzle in…

Citrus start to the day

You’ve heard about celebrities starting their day with a glass of warm water with lemon. It’s time you added this to your daily routine to beat the bloat. Warm water with lemon helps kick-start the digestive system in the morning and sets your body off on the right foot.

Stay hydrated

Even if this means you need to make multiple trips to the washroom, drinking enough water is key to beating the bloat. Water prevents constipation and dehydration that can lead to bloating. Also, drinking water a half hour before your meal can keep you full and will ensure you consume lesser calories at every meal.

Beat the Bloat

Say no to dairy

We love our cheeses, milk and yogurt, but in the days leading up to a big event or a special occasion, it is best to stay away from any and all dairy products as they are known to cause inflammation and bloating in many. In many cases lactose sensitivity goes undiagnosed and consuming dairy a few days before an event could cause gas or a bad stomach.

Reduce carb intake

In general, when one is looking to lose weight or get in shape, they are asked to reduce their carb intake. However to beat the bloat, ahead of a festive party, reduce your carb intake drastically and instead fill your plate with healthy greens that are packed with fibres and vitamins, and lean protein such as fish, chicken and eggs that will help you stay full for longer.

Make ‘no salt’ your mantra

Salt is a huge culprit when it comes to bloating, as it causes the body to retain water. It’s best to steer clear of salt completely, but if you find that food is far too bland without it, reduce your intake to the least possible. Do not reach for the salt shaker on the dinner table at any cost!

Beat the Bloat

Cut out gas producing veggies

Consuming vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts and curly kale that produce gas can cause discomfort, stomach aches and pains and bloating. Don’t add them to your shopping cart the next time you visit the grocery store. Instead, opt for fruits and veggies with high water content such as watermelons, cucumbers and the like.

Increase intake of diuretic foods

Foods that are rich in diuretic properties help the body get rid of excess fluid retained, and flushes away sodium thereby helping to beat the bloat. Watermelon, berries, green and black tea, asparagus, beets and celery, among others, are such foods which help reduce bloating.

Eat oats for breakfast

When it comes to weight loss, oats are always recommended for how filling they can be. Eating a portion of oats in the days leading up the occasion will ensure that you feel full for longer, while your body is provided with slow-release, natural energy throughout the day.

Beat the Bloat

Apple cider vinegar to the rescue

A true quick-fix, adding apple cider vinegar to your morning warm water with lemon or in salad dressings can flush out toxins and relieve water retention in the stomach. It’s great for losing belly fat and if drunk mixed with water before a meal, can help make one feel full faster.

Beat the Bloat

Throw out all temptation

This seems like a no-brainer, but having your favourite candy or desserts lying in the refrigerator can put a pin in your plans to slimming down in time for said party. So, to avoid all missteps and any impeding errors in judgement, scour through your cabinets and refrigerator and discard anything that is even remotely tempting to you. In the store, stay away from the chocolate and cookie aisles and you’ll be fine.


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