Let’s just get this out of the way first, being alone does not mean being lonely. Both are different state of minds with a bit of overlap but they are not same.
Some people enjoy being alone! You are social, surrounded by friends and by love of the family but you are content to be on your own too. You look forward to being alone and enjoy the solitude that goes with it. If you are one who enjoys being alone then the social distancing imposed due to current pandemic, will not cause any disruption for you.
Being lonely on other hand is totally opposite. Generally, you are surrounded by family and friends and you are happy on the surface to be with them but do not relate to them on a deeper level leaving you feeling empty and disconnected. Now that’s loneliness.
The self-isolation has however brought out a different psychological observation. If you are the type who has always been outgoing and surrounded by people and enjoying life then you will hate being alone during this time of stress and uncertainty and it will make you feel isolated and lonely.
This enforced loneliness will tend to become positive or negative experience based on your feelings towards it. If you believe that this situation due to the pandemic means waste of life, sadness or isolation without purpose then it will become a negative experience. If you keep thinking about the happier times when you were surrounded by friends and loved ones, then you will keep feeling lonely and stay stuck in the loneliness loop. You can make this enforced loneliness situation into a positive experience by embracing the feeling of loneliness, controlling the condition and mapping out your routine.
As you are aware, solitude encourages imagination and empowers you to contemplate your actions and develop your conscience. This means solitude helps you to build a relationship with yourself! Remember your relationship with yourself is the foundation to your personality.
The first step to being happy alone is to accept and embrace the fact that you are not the only one in it and decide to make the most of it. Use this self-imposed solitude to build a relationship with yourself with the help of these tips which may not transform your life overnight, but they will definitely help you get more comfortable with being alone. Use these tips as guides, keep adding to them and shape them to suit your personality and have a good relationship with yourself.
Value Yourself
Sit alone and learn to value yourself. Start by appreciating yourself, others and the things in your life. Appreciate the joy you bring to others. Do not compare yourself with someone else. Comparing shifts the focus from you to the other person therefore stop comparing yourself to others. Stop settling for less and start seeking to find your best. Follow your heart to achieve something that makes you come alive. Focus on your purpose in life and stop postponing your dreams. Weigh your pros and cons and work harder on your cons. Above all trust yourself! When you trust yourself, you will see that things sort out easily making you more confident and stronger to handle situations on your own.
Learn To Be A Good Observer
In order to enjoy your own company, learn to look at ordinary situations in new ways and appreciate it. For instance, you could simply go to the park and watch people play with their children or pets. Consider going to the grocery store and observe how people shop for their groceries. The point in finding comfort being alone is everywhere you go, make an effort to understand other people. Knowing how people operate around you without noticing, may actually make you feel more connected to them.
Lean Into The Positives Of Being Alone
For some of you, finding happiness in being alone can be difficult. Sure, it is a bit quiet, and there is no one to listen to you after work or remind you to turn off the stove and so on. But finding comfort in being alone has its own perks too. (binge-watching, anyone?).
Take advantage of the mental and physical space. Indulge in your hobbies and passions with activities that will make the long days go faster.

- Take up all the space: Spend the entire day doing the things you love. Consider cooking a tasty meal you can munch on.
- Indulge in hobbies: Trying out a new hobby or getting into an old one can take up a lot of your time. Decide what you want to do and get started.
- Start an exercise regime: Exercising releases endorphins, that make you feel happier at the same time you lose that extra weight.
- Have a party: This one’s pretty self-explanatory. Put on your favourite music and crank it up. Dance like no one is watching, because, well… they aren’t.
Be Grateful
As days go by, we tend to take things for granted! You should devote some time to reflect on the things you are grateful for as acknowledging everything that you are grateful for can boost feelings of happiness and hopefulness. Start by making a list — mental or physical — of the things in your life that you appreciate. The next time you are feeling lonely, whip out this list to remind yourself of everything you have going for you.
Learn To Cope
Everybody has been stressed in life for some or the other reason but also remember that you figured out how to deal with that stress. Consider how you coped with it and why it worked. Give yourself some credit as you realise how strong you are and develop this coping skill.
Rethink Your Life Path

Spending time with yourself is an incredible opportunity to clearly think about your next moves in life. In a quieter environment, you can focus on reaffirming the things you’ve planned. Are you content and fulfilled? Should you reconsider some ideas? Should you keep doing what you are? Should you change something? These are some of the questions you can only answer if you take advantage of the gift of quiet.
Practice Forgiveness
Forgiveness has a lot to do with your happiness! Among other health benefits, the act of forgiveness reduces stress, anxiety, and depression. Forgiveness is more about making yourself feel better than the other person as it can take a load off your mind. And, don’t forget to forgive yourself, too.