Breakfast Lowers Type 2 Diabetes


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Eat Breakfast to Lower Risk for Type 2 Diabetes

Eating breakfast every day can lower your risk for type 2 diabetes; however, skipping even occasionally could raise the raise the risk, say researchers following a review of the existing studies. They concluded that skipping breakfast, even occasionally, is associated with a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes – 6 percent higher risk when breakfast is skipped once a week. The numbers rose from there, with skipping breakfast 4 or 5 times per week leading to an increased risk of 55 percent. Researchers also pointed out that skipping breakfast is associated with an increase in blood sugar following both lunch and dinner. This not only puts undue stress on the body, it also leads to poor dietary choices, leading to even overeating.

Impact of Negative Experiences On Social Media

Although positive interactions on social media are not making young adults feel more connected, negative experiences are increasingly leading them to report loneliness, says a study. Researchers surveyed 1,178 students, in the ages of 18 to 30, to assess their social media experiences – positive or negative – and their level of perceived loneliness. Results showed that for every 10 percent increase in negative experiences on social media, the participants reported a 13 percent increase in feelings of loneliness. But for every 10 percent increase in positive experiences on social media, the participants reported no statistically significant change in feelings of loneliness. The research team feels more study is required to explain this further, but the findings does suggest the importance of intervention to reduce feelings of loneliness associated with social media use.

A’soud Global School


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