Cancer Prevention And Treatment

FACES looks into a book on cancer prevention and treatment, titled ‘Bioactive Components, Diet and Medical Treatment in Cancer Prevention’ 

High rate of urbanisation and a steady increase in per capita income has improved the socio-economic status of people all over the world. This has resulted in drastic changes in lifestyle and food consumption patterns, where traditional foods are being replaced with more ready-made junk foods, with few servings of fresh vegetables and fruits. It has been postulated that industrialisation has caused change in food choice, dietary pattern modification and resulted in a sedentary lifestyle. In addition, contaminated foods with unsafe microbes and chemical hazards are increasing. All of these events have resulted in an increased risk of cancer, the leading cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide, note Dr. Mostafa I. Waly and Professor Mohammad Shafiur Rahman, editors of the recently published book, ‘Bioactive Components, Diet and Medical Treatment in Cancer Prevention’.

The book is designed to provide a basic understanding of cancer, its risk factors, preventive measures, and possible treatments currently available, as well as identifying  the different dietary factors that might synergise with a sedentary lifestyle in the aetiology of cancer, and its prevention measure. The book is structurally formatted into two sections: bioactive components and cancer, covers antioxidants in foods including plants and components of the diet; and lifestyle, medicine and cancer, covers the risk factors and medical aspects of cancer.

The editors are confident that the readers, including scientists, researchers, health professionals and dieticians, will find this book informative and enlightening. This book features an exciting content, which explores current topics in the field of cancer research. It includes dietary supplements and cancer risk; in addition, obesity and physical activity – emerging concepts and strategies for intervention and diet, nutrition, physical activity and cancer and barriers to cancer prevention and control are discussed.

The main theme of this book is to address the basic understanding of cancer, its risk factors, preventive measures, and possible treatments currently available. “We are active in the research related to the prevention of cancer with bioactive components. The cancer and its prevention are now very hot topic and significant progress are being made in this area and lots of new knowledge is being developed,” state Dr. Waly and Prof. Rahman

The two editors are faculty members at the Food Science and Nutrition Department, (College of Agricultural and Marine Sciences, Sultan Qaboos University. The contributing authors to this book were selected considering their expertise in their respective fields – Prof. Nejib Guizani, Dr. Amant Ali, Dr. Ikram Burney, Dr. Ahmed Al Alawi, Dr. Zaher Al-Attabi, Dr. Varna Taranikanti, Dr. Preeja Prabhakar, Sithara Suresh and Smitha Padmanabhan.

Dr. Waly and Prof. Rahman are confident that the scientific community and researchers will find this book as a method of effective treatment or, at least, improvement in cancer prevention. Nevertheless, the materials in this book provide a framework for further in-depth studies in order to devise new therapeutic strategies.

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