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Dedication and Success with Muna Al Riyami

Multitalented, fiercely dedicated and a total people’s person, Muna Al Riyami shares all about her journey and beliefs in an exclusive interview with FACES

An accomplished hotelier, emcee, motivational speaker, and presenter, Muna Al Riyami is a force to be reckoned with. With a goal to create success stories and contribute to people’s success in any way possible, Muna is constantly working to help people find their true potential. “I do many things because I just can’t stay still. I always find ways to keep busy. But, with everything I am presently doing, it is all the things I love. I love talking to people in an impactful manner,” Muna tells us. Coming from a humble background, “An Omani lady who hails from Izki,” Muna did not grow up rich or attend private schools. In the events that led to her being in a successful place today, she believes, “it’s about letting people know that you can do what you want to do, it isn’t constrained by your circumstances or background.”

For someone of her calibre, we only saw fit to have a sit-down to get to know her thoughts, journey, and beliefs and give them to you in a story highlighting Muna Al Riyami’s own words!


Can you give us an insight into the build-up of events that led you to the place you are? What did it take from you to be able to do the things you do today?

I have always noticed that when I am in front of an audience, people witness confidence. What they do not see is the handwork, research, and reading that goes in as preparation. I work much harder than a lot of people would assume. I always tell people that what you see is just the tip of the iceberg. But I wake up at 3 AM, put on my suit (my power suit) and practice in front of the mirror, or just talk about what I want to do. I even talk to myself in the car and do whatever is possible to practice for my event. It is really about practice, commitment, and most importantly – trying to find your motivation, even if it does not exist that day. There is a saying, sometimes it is not about the motivation but about the discipline. You may not be motivated enough to get up and go to work but you should have the discipline to do so anyhow. I believe I am a disciplined person. If I want to do something, I will ensure I do the work for it even if I am tired or whatever other circumstances hinder my commitment towards that project.

You are a motivational and leadership speaker and have spoken at platforms such as TEDx and hosted multiple events. What goes on in your head when you prepare to speak for an audience, while you are speaking, and after you have shared your thoughts?

The only thing that is on my mind is that “I’m going to rock this.” The reason for this is the amount of hard work and practice I have put into this one speech or training. I would never go up on stage if I were not ready. If you are going to do something, you need to put in the work to make it the best. I do all my preparation, and when I am about to get in front of an audience, the only thought in my mind is “I am going to rock this crowd.” Also, I have found that doubting yourself will never allow you to do a good job. So, what good will thoughts of doubt and fear do to anyone just three minutes before going on stage?

As a strong advocate for self-development and self-betterment, what was it that inspired you personally to seek out these qualities and why do you think it is important for everyone to do the same?

I always hear people tell me “I can’t do this. I am not like you. Society did not give me this, my family did not give me this.” Then it hits me, “What about what you are giving to yourself?”

We are always focusing on what others are not giving us, but we do not realise that we are the ultimate form of self-destruction. While I do believe that contributing to others makes a difference, think about all the things that you are not getting for yourself and work on that.

Everyone has qualities of self-development and self-betterment, all it takes is some nurturing, commitment, and discipline. These qualities will help you focus on yourself and achieve so much without depending on others.

Throughout your journey, what are some of the challenges you have faced?

I have been lucky throughout my journey, and I have put in the time and effort to get to where I am. The biggest challenges for me are not the tasks or circumstances. Rather, it is people; this I believe to be true for others as well. There are a lot of people out there who want what you have earned but are not ready to put in the same amount of dedication as you have done. It’s a situation where everyone wants to go to heaven, but no one wants to die. I always believe that you can conquer anything you set your mind to, but the true challenge is when you conquer the people who try to place obstacles in your path and block your progress.

Everyone has a childhood dream; for many these change as they grow older. Have your childhood dreams aligned with what you are doing today?

I recently recalled a time when I was six, I was standing outside with my father and pointed at a flight that passed overhead and told my father, “My office is going to be up there.” I worked for 10 years in aviation, and for 8 years, my office was up there!


Even as a speaker, from a young age I have always loved speaking to people and been fascinated by microphones. So, I believe my childhood dreams and passions have manifested themselves into my current work spectrum. I am an intentional person, so I have done a lot of things intending to achieve that. When I was younger, I never wanted to grow up to be one particular thing, and I guess that’s what I’m doing right now. I wanted to complete my masters before a certain age and to achieve that just two months before the age I set, it is a dream come true. When it comes to my ambitions, I have committed myself to a purpose, and as long as I am tied to that, the titles don’t matter.


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