Diet And Fitness Trends

Some new, some old and some fusion diets and fitness trends that are set to give the New Year a healthy flavour

The New Year is expected to ring in a host of exciting diet and fitness trends to get on the wellness bandwagon. Here are a few to keep you ahead of the game with diet and fitness trends.

The Eco-Keto Diet

For all keto dieters, the trend shifts to what is referred to as eco-keto diet, which is all about adopting environment friendly options. With ketogenic diet favouring animal fat and meat – with livestock industry being labelled as one of the major causes of greenhouse gases – it was seen as an environmentally harmful diet. The newer version requires dieters to follow the same high-fat and high protein keto diet, but without any animal products.

Fat Fast

The fat fast diet is another take on the popular intermittent fasting. This diet is designed to quell hunger during the 16-hour long fasting period; it is about meeting keto diet in between intermittent fasting. The options offered by brands and diet companies range from butter-laden coffees and organic high-powered cacao drinks to coffee blends in a mix of other super-foods. These fat laden drinks are said to quell hunger without giving one a blood sugar spike.

The Pegan Diet

The pegan diet derives its name from the paleo and the vegan diet. It combines some of the key principles of paleo diet with that of the vegan one. Although both stand at two extremes of the diet line, the combination of the two requires one to avoid dairy, grains and legumes, and instead make fruits and vegetables 75 percent of the daily intake – including fats from nuts and seeds. That effectively means eating foods low in sugar and starch, with lots of plant foods and good fats, while opting for only those animal foods that eat sustainably grown or harvested foods.

The Flexitarian Diet

This is another diet that combines vegetarian diet with a flexible option. Described as ‘casual vegetarianism’, the flexitarianism is a plant-based diet that incorporates occasional meat items. The focus of this diet is on the consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and vegetable proteins, besides eggs and dairy.

Shorter Workouts

For all those who lament the lack of time to take-up hour-long workout sessions, the new trend of shorter high intensity workouts will be a big boost. Fitness experts now recommend 15 to 30 minutes of right intensity workouts that will have equal impact. The fallout of this new trend is a merging of work and workout, wherein gyms might create dedicated areas for people to work on their laptops while breaking sweat, and work places might incorporate fitness zones into their office setup.

Spin Class

This is a high intensity cycling workout on a stationary machine with a heavy flywheel linked to the pedals; it is designed to increase VO2 max (the maximum or optimum rate at which the heart, lungs and muscles can effectively use oxygen). On this machine, one has to keep the legs constantly moving, applying pressure to slow the bike down. Most spin classes last anywhere between 45 to 60 minutes, with the intensity varying all through the class, owing to the body position, pedal speed and resistance.

Technical Running

From mindful running to technical running … This year the focus is on performance running and the technical nature of training. The idea is to work out like an athlete via running, by understanding the importance of speed and technique to become a better runner.

Bodyweight Training

As the name suggests, bodyweight training involves exercises like push-ups, pull-ups and squats that rely on body’s weight as resistance. Such training is expected to become popular this year, thanks in no small measure to the fact that they are simple to perform and require no gym or special equipment. They are simple exercises that are effective in improving balance, flexibility and strength, from legs and shoulders to chest and abs.

Personalised Workouts

Personalised workouts are big game-changers. These workouts involve finding one’s VO2 max, metabolic assessment as well as an insight into one’s genes and how they can be related to fitness. With personal trainers becoming increasingly accessible, these tests will be handy resources to share with the trainer and find the workout that that will up one’s fitness quotient, while better understanding how the body works.

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