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Follows diet. Diet doesn’t follow back. Unfollows diet.

Diet & Weight Loss

If you’d read that on your twitter or Instagram feed, you, like us, would have grinned and mentally given a thumbs up for the writer’s dry humour in getting the diet fixation and weight loss across.

Diet and weight loss is a global fixation. Everyone, seemingly, is on some diet or the other – if not on the popular ‘see-food’ (see food, eat it) diet. While some get on a specific diet for health reason or to complement a medical treatment, majority check out diet fads to cut down inches from the tummy or weight from the body. Of course, most diets have some impact or the other on the body – if one does follow it dedicatedly for a specific amount of time – but whether that impact lasts or not, is dependent on a variety of factors. One such is the crucial weigh loss plateau that does creep in when the body gets too comfortable with the diet one is on. What is also of importance in the diet zone is the yo-yo effect that is an inevitable part of most weight loss missions.

Weight loss then is a challenge; it requires a whole lot of sacrifice; it demands a complete overhaul of one’s lifestyle. Amal Al Khabori’s inspiring weight loss story in our Cover Story section will provide a better perspective. The In Conversation with Annika D’Souza is another version of fitness as a lifestyle to inspire our readers and patrons to take up fitness as a goal for life. Weight loss and fitness plan is the underlying theme of this entire issue, which is seasoned with important tips and guidelines to stay fit and keep excess weight gain at bay

Read along and feel the vibrancy packed in here to motivate and open the platform to explore the weight loss avenues.

Men & Endurance Issue

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