Don’t you just love it when you’re setting up your home and your kids have valuable inputs about where their beds should go, what kind of art work they would like displayed on their walls and whether their plush bunnies and toys will sit on their beds or on a wall shelf? Some kids are gifted when it comes to making their space their own – they pick themes, and colour schemes and decide on how to best fit their favourite cartoon characters into their existing canvas of a room. Could this mean that they are interested in developing a skill for interior design? Encouraging them to do so couldn’t hurt. In comes is a wonderful resource that brings on to one platform a myriad of classes, challenges and courses that help children explore new interests and develop new skills. From drawing bootcamp, to fashion design, photography, inventing machines, strange science and becoming a music star, the site has got it all. And a special section that might interest your interior-design loving child is the Interior Design challenge.
Once signed in, kids can participate in a variety of challenges, ranging in three levels of difficulty. The challenges display the amount of time it takes to complete them and the supplies needed. Kids can design lighting, arrange indoor gardens, design 3d models, make mood boards, decorate walls, use textiles to transform a room, upcycle furniture and build custom pieces. When a challenge is completed, kids can upload pictures on to the challenge page and view the work of other kids too.
Get your kid hooked on to and soon you’ll see them creating new and unique innovations and designs!