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Dress Up and Show Up

Get dressed and show up to stifle those morning blues and feel the exuberance of confidence spreading on to your day.

In every wardrobe, there is, usually, that one go-to dress that you feel inclined to pick up when you have important meetings lined up for the day or have crucial business dealings to finalise. Whether it is a floral shirt on a formal pant or a day dress in your favourite colour, your hand will, invariably, reach to that one piece of clothing, that attire when you so desire a shot of confidence and get dressed up in it.

You probably have had better success at your meetings or business dealings when you were dressed up in that outfit and now see it as your source of confidence booster.

dressed up

But, as a fashion follower, you, obviously, know that the biggest faux pas on the style aisle is repeating your clothes in the same week. People notice…

So how can you inject confidence into every piece of clothing that you dress up in? 

Personally, I believe fashion begins and ends with knowing one’s body type. When you are aware of your body type and accept it without hesitation, you will be better placed to shop and get dressed up in clothes that will accentuate your assets. While sticking to trends might feel like a rule rather than an exception in the fashion quarters, you would do yourself a whole lot of good if you followed your personal style.

Do not sacrifice your style quotient at the altar of trends. Shop for clothes that you feel are extensions of your personality – after trying them out in the trial room, of course!

The Grandeur of Palazzo Versace Dubai

Sophia Raman

A self professed lifestyle guru, Sophia Raman has honed her expertise for beauty and fashion with a natural flair for all things chic and a distinctive style quotient. She is a sophisticated socialite who brings her love for fashion, style and travel to this column. You can follow her on:

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