Eggs and Heart Disease


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In a recent study, medical researchers found a link between higher consumption of eggs or dietary cholesterol and a higher risk of cardiovascular disease and premature death, and called for a restriction on daily egg consumption. They compared eating patterns with cardiovascular disease and found that people who consume less cholesterol have a lower risk of heart disease. Foods of animal origin, including dairy products, eggs, shellfish, poultry and meat contain dietary cholesterol, with eggs containing around 186 mg of cholesterol in the yolk of a large egg. Researchers found that for each additional intake of 300mg of dietary cholesterol per day, there was a 17 percent higher risk of cardiovascular disease and 18 percent higher risk of death.

Eye Test for Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s disease may be detected with an eye exam, states a new study, which found that a loss in density of blood vessels in the retina could suggest development of Alzheimer’s disease. Using a noninvasive technique (Optical coherence tomography angiography) that can reveal blood flow in every layer of the retina, they found that the web of tiny blood vessels that is located at the back of the eye is normally quite dense, while those with Alzheimer’s disease are less dense. The OCTA scan shows changes in the smallest blood vessels and has an advantage over other methods of detecting changes in the brain. The researchers were also able to spot differences between people who had Alzheimer’s disease and those who didn’t, and those with mild cognitive impairment.

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