Employer kindness can result in improved mental health of employees. New research from Penn State University found that small acts of kindness from an employer can help guarantee improved mental health and better productivity in their employees. The study found that while pay raises and lessened workloads are the best way to ensure good morale and performance, when these are not viable options, small gestures of thoughtfulness, like providing fruit for daily lunches, holding a meeting to focus on how well each employee has been performing, or allowing flexibility with working hours and out-of-work commitments can boost morale and contribute to the long-term job satisfaction of the employees.
Minimalism offers surprising wellness benefits

Designing your space with a minimalist approach tends to have a positive impact on one’s psyche, says new research. Homes that are not cluttered and messy offer safety, recognition and harmony to its inhabitants, instantly reducing stress, and creating a peaceful atmosphere that helps them relax. The study found that minimalism in homes of retired people is especially helpful as they downsize to a smaller space and take only a few transitional pieces. Minimalism also helps keep dust and resultant allergies to the minimum in children and adults alike.