The lockdown seems to present a challenging time where our normal routine has changed and working from home has become a new norm. This could very well lead into having a decrease in activity level making us feel lethargic. However, the lockdown is also a great opportunity to form new and lasting habits. Here are some ideas to energise your day when you work from home and increase your mental focus both during lockdown and beyond.

Stick to your routine – Designated place and scheduled time to eat will help you develop healthier eating habits while you are working from home. It can be tempting to get things done while you eat or getting your plate which you have randomly filled up at your working desk but it may not only hamper the quality of your work but you also end up overeating. You may feel groggy or bored sitting and working from home full day but do not let it pull you down; often a few simple changes in what or how you eat is all it takes to put the spring back into your step

Do not skip breakfast – There are hundreds of excuses for not eating breakfast but nothing is worth the cost of energy level and general wellbeing as breakfast is the healthiest and fastest way to energize and keep all those empty calories you might indulge in at bay. Ironically, people who skip breakfast in an effort to cut their calories often do more snacking later in the day. Breakfast is one way to evenly distribute your day’s nutrients and calories and help maintain a steady blood sugar and energy level. The golden rule is to eat a healthy breakfast that is protein-rich and balanced with complex carbohydrates.
Pay equal heed to lunch – Even if you eat a nutritious breakfast and snack in the morning, your energy could diminish as the day progresses and you need to take a healthy and smart lunch break. Light lunches such as a tuna sandwich, with lots of veggies and low fat Laban/yogurt or a salad with whole grain bread and yogurt are more likely to keep you going throughout the afternoon. Other ‘brain power’ foods include a small amount of fish/ chicken/legumes combined with grains and vegetables. Make sure your lunch has some complex carbohydrate’ such as a baked potato topped with grated vegetables and low fat cheese to deal with your late afternoon doldrums.

Too much coffee can leave you logy – Coffee is the most popular beverage today due to its welcoming aroma and promise of instant energy but when intake creeps above moderate, it leads to fatigue unknowingly. But there is no need to give up your favorite drink especially during these stressful times-just cut back (1-3 small cups per day).
Be wary on your choice of snacks – Grabbing a candy bar when tired or soothing your weary mind with a doughnut could be just temporary quick fixes and could be actually fueling your fatigue. Eliminating sugar and caffeine from the diet is a permanent solution or simply snack defensively rather than feeding your fatigue.

The forgotten nutrient – Whenever you are trying to make some healthy changes and gobbling up some healthful foods, do not forget to wash them down with a big glass of water. Replace all other beverages in your daily meal with water; keep a water bottle at your working desk and keep sipping it throughout the day without waiting to get thirsty.
Exercise – People who exercise feel more energetic, while the sedentary get drowsier. Exercise increases blood flow to the muscles and brain, releases energizing hormones and stimulates the nervous system to produce mood elevating chemicals called endomorphins.So when you feel like giving up or lying down, try getting up and moving around instead.

- At breakfast, eat at least one serving of healthy protein.
- Limit caffeinated beverages to 2-3 servings per day.
- Eat several small meals and snacks evenly spread out throughout the day.
- Avoid severe calorie restricted, nutrient-deficient diets.
- Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water per day.