Yes, FACES is 12! Ten decades and two years later, FACES is still going strong, with our print run ably supported by a digital presence that has garnered followers from different walks of life, both within and outside Oman. We have stood firm and strong in the face of tribulations that affected many in the print media, to come out a winner – month after month. We have proven that we can survive even the biggest odds and stay committed to our readers, who have been a witness to our every move, every new path carved. Over the years, we have only gotten stronger in our determination to present some of the most high voltage public interest stories and lifestyle features that have kept the buzz alive even in social media circles.
Twelve Times Twelve
144 – that is the number of FACES magazines we have written, edited, designed, printed and distributed in the last 12 years. And that is a major achievement for a publication that has operated without the crutches of profit-making shows or events. Purely on the strength of our words and our established credentials in the market, we have ensured that the FACES’ pennants continue to fly strong in the face of every adversity. This is thanks in no small measure to you our loyal readers and our reliable patrons who have trusted our every instinct to cheer us on to reach newer heights. While we aren’t deceived by the changes wrought in the print media by an apparent dearth of ad support from the local corporate sector, we have found ways to work around the little troubles to ensure we will go strong for another 12 years and more.
Stories That Stirred
Of the 144 cover stories that FACES committed to paper, some engaged with you, our readers, on an elevated platform, while others entertained and provided literal print relief from the drudgery of everyday work-office-work routine. From environment conservation and road traffic safety to changing food habits and growing social media presence, every story, every feature article has been presented in a style and format that is easy to assimilate and absorb. As a lifestyle magazine, we have been demanding in our approach to stories, even sensitive ones, to highlight issues clinically…but without outrightly pushing our points of view on topics that have an impact on everyday lives. Of course, we have shared our opinions, albeit on an interactive platform, and that has proven to be our signature style.
Of the several public interest stories that we have charted in our pages, the one that truly touched a chord with you, our readers, was our special edition on children with disabilities. In May 2015 we produced and implemented an all-inclusive, one-of-its-kind fashion show featuring little children with disabilities, which culminated with the launch of the special booklet, highlighting stories and narratives from parents, caregivers and the team of experts and social workers on whose efforts hinges the success of the Association of Early Intervention for Children with Disabilities.
Readers will also recall the structured endeavours undertaken at FACES quarters to create road safety awareness, again through a special supplement that threw the spotlight on the dos and don’ts of ensuring our roads are safe for both drivers and pedestrians. On similar lines was our major environment conservation mission, which prodded the public to consider their role in ensuring the success of campaigns launched towards the environment.
There are many such public interest stories and accounts of everyday concern and we deserve to gloat over them – definitely on our anniversary. Right?
Last year FACES was recognised as one of the ‘Top 20 Blogs and Websites’ in Oman by Feedspot; FACES was ranked number 2 in that list. This was an acknowledgement of our concerted efforts to present engaging content to our growing list of readers and online subscribers. Feedspot had ranked the local blogs based on Google reputation and Google search ranking, in addition to their influence and popularity on Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites, plus the quality and consistency of posts.
It is also interesting to note here that FACES became Oman’s first Alive-enabled monthly magazine in August 2015. Alive, an augmented reality offering from TimesMobile ensured that FACES came literally alive on smartphones and handheld devices, offering an all-new reading experience to readers and new subscribers. Users simply had to scan pictures that have the Alive logo embedded in them to feel the image coming alive as a print page or as a video that depicts the story behind the image.
Future of Print
As the discussions on print media’s relevance in today’s tech-savvy world turns into a crescendo, we take a leaf from our old school thinking to reaffirm that holding a magazine, book or a newspaper in the hand and poring through the pages that are filled with text and images is one of the most refining experiences of life.
However, to stick to the changing tides, a couple of years ago, we posed the question ‘Is the future of media changing right before our eyes?’ to our panel of experts on the cover story, and the consensus was a loud ‘yes’. “While the current generation is still loyal to old and traditional media, the future generation will be utterly adopting digital media,” said one expert, who attributed this shift in the public psyche to the fact that electronic medium is getting simpler, interactive and dynamic in the way it delivers the news.
In the face of such logic, who are we to demur?
With the digital media gaining prominence and social media dictating trends and even shaping opinions, we have incorporated a paradigm shift in our approach to FACES too. While we stubbornly stick to our print copies, we have taken a staggered approach to our online presence, growing from little steps to become a major online magazine with a pulsating presence.
So, come along and check us also on, which states the obvious as follows: FACES is Oman’s premier monthly lifestyle magazine with a vibrant online presence. It is the only assured lifestyle resource in the capital, having earned the distinction of being Oman’s best known and most widely circulated leisure magazine.
Happy 12 to us!