Food: The Forever Trend


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Right, food is a forever trend; it has been around and will continue to rule the world…unless humankind adapts a robotic life form to pop nutrient-laden pills for sustenance. Here is a quick dekko of food and dining out trends in the world around us.

Think Sustainable, Think Seafood

With the world rising to the need of the hour on the environmental front, the focus is on sustainable seafood than on popular species of fishes that are already overfished. Sustainable seafood is the term given to any seafood that is caught or farmed in ways that support the wellbeing of the species, the oceans and coastal communities.

The objective behind this trend is to stop harvesting practices that tend to damage marine habitats while adapting taste buds to local items and seafood and fish that have been harvested responsibly.

Waste Not, Want Not

Another environmentally focused food practice that is trending this season is the ‘no-waste cooking movement’ that relies on the old ‘waste not want not’ adage. While NGOs around the world are focusing on creating food banks to eradicate hunger, this movement will help give food wastage a full stop.

Restaurants that are committed to the cause are finding ways and means to ensure zero wastage in their cooking and are encouraging people from all walks of life to incorporate this practice into their everyday cooking. And that means utilising all ingredients in ways that do not lead to throwing away any food.

Plant-Based Foods

Vegetarian or otherwise, the food trend for the season is directed towards vegetable-centric dishes. Whether this will make vegetarians out of obstinate non-vegetarians or not, the trend will see more people tuck into dishes that have a strong leaning towards vegetables. This will also mean more vegetable carbohydrate substitutes, as well as plant-based proteins like tofu, etc., in the menus of top hotels and restaurants.

Flower Flavours

Even as bakers are going all out with fresh flower decorations to adorn their baked creations, chefs in fine dining outlets are incorporating edible flowers into their creations. While salads and drinks are easy avenues to give this trend a fitting acceptance, innovative chefs are cooking up vegetarian dishes with exotic flowers and relying on floral flavours to heighten the tastes for food connoisseurs.

Condiments That Complement

Often, the taste of a dish is in the condiment accompanying it and that is exactly what trend makers in the food industry are relying on. There is a growing interest in turning to house-made condiments than on the ready to use ones. This, say some renowned chefs, not only is economical, but it is also creative and attractive for guests seeking more in their dining out experience.

Street Inspirations

Street food – that is where the trends are headed. Street food has grown exponentially, alongside tourism, and it is not surprising that its popularity has turned it into a trend even in fine dining outlets. It is all about the flexibility it infuses and the popularity it enjoys with foodies from all walks of life. With the trend gaining importance, there is a renewed interest in street food; there is an element of sophistication that it is slowly getting associated with.

Breakfasts That Spell International

Start your day right – that is the message from the breakfast trending this season. The focus is on opting for an international breakfast fare instead of the traditional, popular breakfasts. Getting a grip on this new trend are several international restaurants that are offering exotic breakfasts to present international flavours to foodies.

Picture Perfect

This doesn’t qualify as a new trend, but the spotlight is definitely on dishes that are worth a social media mention/post. There is something about a dish that has been plated right and presented as a work of art that makes even casual diners share the pictures of their dining out experience on Instagram or other social media platforms. It is all about giving food a creative platform.

Sharifa: Foodie with Panache

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