Good Food For Good Health

Some foods are intrinsically healthy and have proven benefits in the weight loss spectrum too. We enlist some good food here

All foods help quell hunger, but not all are equally poised to ensure health and wholesome nutrition. Only good food leads to good health.While some have the power to boost your metabolism and aid weight loss, many others have the potential to give you a big health dose and fill you with energy and vigour. On the same count, there are several others that are sure-fire remedies for weight gain. That is, if weight gain is ever an option.

If not, here is a checklist of foods that are ideal for dieters as well as health-conscious folks:

Fruits & Berries

This may be stating the obvious, but of all the foods that have health on their agenda, fruits and berries top the list. Some good food in fruits and berries that are ideal for your health include apples (high in fibre, vitamin C and antioxidants), avocados (high in fibre, potassium and vitamin C), bananas (high in vitamin B6 and fibre), blueberries (antioxidants), oranges (vitamin c, fibre and antioxidants) and strawberries (vitamin C, fibre and manganese); in addition, health gains can be expected from cherries, grapes, grapefruit, kiwi, lemons, mango, melons, olives, peaches, pears, pineapples, plums and raspberries.


As far as the good food story goes, vegetables enjoy the tag of being the most concentrated sources of nutrients in the world. While it is important to eat different types of vegetables, on the top of the list are asparagus (vitamin K), bell peppers (antioxidants and vitamin C), broccoli (fibre, vitamin K and vitamin C), carrots (fibre and vitamin K), cauliflower (fibre and vitamin B), cucumber (vitamin K) and leafy vegetables like kale, spinach, collards and swiss chards. Add to that list, artichokes, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, celery, eggplant, leeks, lettuce, mushrooms, radishes, squash, turnips and zucchini. There is more in the vegetable section for health: garlic (vitamin B6, vitamin C and manganese), onion (vitamin C, fibre and folic acid) and tomatoes (potassium and vitamin C).

Nuts & Seeds

Among the different good food groups that have health ascribed to them, nuts and seeds are definitely the most popular. Although many are high in fat and calories, they are upheld as high sources of health for a variety of reasons. The most popular among these are almonds (vitamin E, antioxidants, magnesium and fibre), chia seeds (fibre, magnesium, manganese, calcium and other nutrients), macadamia nuts (monounsaturated fats), walnuts (fibre and a variety of vitamins and minerals) and peanuts (nutrients and antioxidants).


Eggs may be high in cholesterol, but they are also an important source of nutrition. They are high in protein and fat and they are filling.   


For non-vegetarians who swear by meat items, no meal may be complete without a dish or side of lamb, beef or chicken. But that need not be a health concern, since not all meats are harmful. While there is no denying that fast foods can be unhealthy and even cause weight gain, unprocessed meat, cooked to perfection, can be a huge source of nutrition and health. Lean beef and even chicken breast are best sources for protein, while lamb is high in omega-3 acids. Interestingly, meat is said to be a weight-loss-friendly food, owing to protein content. According to studies, increasing your protein intake to cover 25percent of daily calories can cut food cravings by more than 50 percent.

Fish & Seafood

Fish lovers are believed to have long and healthy life, as they benefit immensely from the omega-3 fatty acids and iodine in fish and seafood. Important fish and seafood items to include in your diet are: salmon (protein and Omega-3 fatty acids), mackerels and sardines (major source of nutrients), shellfish (nutrient-dense), shrimp (proteins and nutrients), trout (protein) and tuna (protein).

Beans & Legumes

Good Food

Although legumes have gotten bad press owing to the anti-nutrients contained in them, this is not a major concern on the health scale, as the same can be removed by soaking before the cooking process. In fact, legumes are classified as one of the cheap sources of nutrition and protein. The list includes green beans (nutrients), kidney beans (vitamins, minerals and fibre), lentils (fibre ad protein) and black beans (protein and fibre, vitamins and minerals).

Whole Grains

Good Food

Whole grains are a staple in most households and despite what the naysayers have to say, many grains have been firmly placed on the health scale. Of them, brown rice is on the top; it is nutritious and has fibre, vitamin B1 and magnesium. Others include oats (nutrients and fibre) and quinoa (fibre and magnesium).


Good Food

Dairy products are a major source of nutrients; in fact, full-fat dairy products are said to even lower the risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes. Among the healthy options are cheese (single slice contains the same amount of nutrients as a cup of milk), whole milk (vitamins, protein and healthy fats), yoghurt (probiotic bacteria).

Follow moderation when consuming these healthy foods and complement them with regular exercises.

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